Dec 29, 2008

1. Bersiaplah menghadapi tantangan
2. Lingkungi diri dengan dukungan
3. Katakan hal-hal positip pada diri sendiri
4. Fokuskan diri pada apa yang sedang dipertaruhkan
5. Ambil tindakan yang diperlukan.
( sumber : )
Lukas 2 : 22 - 40
Pdt. Gatot Pudjo T
28 Des 2008

Menurut Alkitab, selamat artinya pulihnya hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan. Pulihnya hubungan Tuhan dengan umat digambarkan oleh kitab Yesaya seperti kembalinya " suami " kepada istrinya.
Pada masa itu, kaum perempuan tidak terlalu dipandang masyarakat.
Masa pembuangan bangsa Israel ke Babilonia diibaratkan seperti istri yang ditinggalkan oleh suaminya. Dulu, Tuhan sangat jijik melihat Israel, tapi sekarang hubungan itu dipulihkan. Kita juga dulu adalah hamba dosa. Hubungan kita hanya antara kita dan dosa/iblis. Kita tidak hanya melihat keselamatan tapi mengalaminya. Bahkan kita diutus oleh Tuhan untuk mengabarkan berita keselamatan itu supaya terjadi pemulihan hubungan antara Allah dengan alam semesta beserta segenap isinya.
Ada 2 tokoh dalam kitab Lukas yang melakukan hal-hal kecil dalam berperan serta memulihkan hubungan Allah dengan manusia. Tuhan mengundang kita untuk terlibat dan turut serta ambil bagian dalam memulihkan hubungan Allah dengan manusia. Tidak hanya itu, tapi juga janji Tuhan mengajak kita untuk memulihkan hubungan antara manusia dengan manusia.
Simeon, menyatakan imannya dengan berkata bahwa Yesus Kristus yang saat itu baru lahir, adalah Allah sumber damai sejahtera bagi seluruh manusia. Sebagai orang-orang yang memanggil Allah sebagai Bapa, marilah kita juga mengikuti teladan-Nya yang senantiasa sabar dan selalu mengambil inisiatif untuk memulihkan hubungan Allah dengan kita, senantiasa mengambil inisiatif untuk mengampuni.
Kalau kita berada dipihak yang disakiti, marilah kita juga untuk senantiasa terlebih dahulu memaafkan & menampuni orang lain. Saat ini kita tidak hanya melihat keselamatan, tapi mengalami keselamatan itu. Dan Tuhan ingin agar kita bersedia dipakai oleh Tuhan dalam karya keselamatan sampai kesempurnaannya. AMIN

Dec 22, 2008

Firman Tuhan 21 Des 2008
Lukas 1 : 26 - 38
Pdt. Gatot Pudjo T.

Raja Daud, adalah hamba Tuhan, demikian juga Maria ( bunda Tuhan Yesus Kristus ).

Daud, pria, Maria, perempuan. Dalam konteks Yahudi saat itu, Daud sangat dihargai karena ia kuat, perkasa, berstatus sebagai raja Israel, tapi Maria lemah karena ia perempuan. Umat Israel bahkan percaya bahwa Mesias akan lahir dari keturunan Daud. Maria hanyalah rakyat biasa, orang kecil ----> pada saat ia dipanggil Tuhan.
Persamaan keduanya : " sama-sama mengikut kata Tuhan ".
Keinginan Daud membangun rumah Tuhan sangat didukung Nabi Natan, namun Tuhan punya rencana lain.
Daud mengikuti Tuhan, demikian juga Maria, namun resiko yang dihadapi keduanya berbeda. Dalam Injil Lukas, hanya Maria yang diberitahu malaikat bahwa ia akan mengandung, tapi tidak kepada Yusuf, tunangannya. Bila mengikuti hukum Taurat, Maria seharusnya dihukum mati karena dianggap berzinah.
Tuhan yang memanggil Maria, bukan sekedar Tuhan yang memanggil, tapi Tuhan yang menyertai. Hal inilah yang membuat Maria mampu menanggung masalah yang dihadapinya.
Ada berapa banyak hamba Tuhan di GKI Jatiasih ?
Kita yang hidup pada saat ini, juga adalah hamba-hamba Tuhan yang diberikan tanggungjawab untuk memberitakan Firman Tuhan, memberitakan Injil. Dan dalam kehidupan masyarakat kita, marilah juga kita memperhatikan kaum perempuan & kaum yang lemah. Marilah kita hentikan segala tindakan kekerasan terhadap kaum perempuan.

Dec 15, 2008


Waktu berlalu dengan cepat
Wajah - wajah terlihat tegang
Masing-masing berjuang dalam hati

Jiwa ini butuh kekuatan
Butuh pertolongan
Tidak mudah menggapai kelepasan

Bergumul adalah perjuangan
Tetap ada harapan
Kemenangan di dalam Tuhan.

Sudirman, 12162008

Dec 10, 2008

Markus 1 : 1 - 8

Pdt. Gatot Pudjo T.

7 Des 2008.

Menanti adalah hal yang paling menggelisahkan. Menanti ----> bisa membuat kita jengkel, marah, kesal.
Saat ini kita sedang menunggu, menanti, tapi kita bukan menunggu Natal sebab Ia sudah lahir, mati, bangkit dan naik ke sorga.
Apa yang perlu kita perhatikan dalam menantikan kedatangan Tuhan ?
Yohanes Pembaptis menyerukan : " bertobatlah dan berilah dirimu dibaptis ". Seruan Yohanes ini hingga saat ini masih relevan . Bertobat tidak hanya berhenti sampai pada menyadari kesalahan, tapi ada perubahan radikal, berbalik. Tidak hanya di permukaan, tapi juga di dalam.

Egosentris >>>>Teosentris

Nafsu >>>>>>> Kebenaran Firman Tuhan

Kitab Yesaya mengingatkan bangsa Israel dan kita saat ini supaya hidup Teosentris. Kita ini hanya seperti rumput, sebentar hidup kemudian layu. Bertobat tidak hanya di mulut, tapi juga dalam kehidupan sehaari-hari ; menjadi kesaksian. Gaya hidup bangsa Israel saat itu dipengaruhi oleh Hedonisme ( memuja kekayaan/kemewahan ) yang dipengaruhi oleh bangsa Romawi saat itu.Yohanes memperlihatkan hidup yang bebeda>>>sederhana<<< kegiatan sakral yang lumrah saat/masa itu ( 2000 th yl ), acara itu merupakan suatu tanda atau pernyataan simbolis ketika seseorang masuk mazhab tertentu . Dan Yohanes Pembaptis bukan orang pertama yang mempelopori ide mengenai pembaptisan. Bagi orang Kristen, baptis sebenarnya maksudnya lebih dalam ----> artinya bukan sekedar dipercikkan atau diselam,tapi " ditanam di dalam ". Apakah hidup kita sudah ditanam di dalam Tuhan ??? Langit yang baru, bumi yang baru akan disempurnakan nanti oleh Allah tapi sudah bisa terjadi saat ini menurut hukum Ilahi sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan, sesuai selera Tuhan.Saat ini, semangat teknologi semakin mempengaruhi bahkan mengendalikan hidup manusia, tapi jangan sampai hidup kita mengendalikan Tuhan. Kita hidup di zaman serba cepat tapi kita harus bijaksana. Segala yang serba cepat belum tentu baik, ada hal-hal yang membutuhkan proses.Karya Allah dalam memulihkan umat Tuhan ternyata tidak serba instan/cepat. Bahkan Tuhan turut serta berjerih payah membebaskan bangsa Israel dari berbagai perbudakan.Masalah beriman atau kurang beriman merupakan suatu proses, bukan masalah cepat atau lambatnya . Marilah kita menyediakan diri kita untuk bertobat

Dec 9, 2008

Kedapatan Dalam Keadaan Setia

Markus 13 : 24 - 37

Pdt. Yeni Sulistiani ( GKI Pamulang )

Kita orang percaya, dalam hidup sehari-hari sering tidak menyadari bahwa hari-hari kita adalah anugerah yang harus diwaspadai.

Advent -----> adventus >>>kedatangan

Ada 2 sisi yg berkaitan dengan penantian :

1. Masa penantian untuk memperingati kedatangan Tuhan Yesus Kristus 2000 tahun yl.

2. Kita diajak untuk mengingat atau diarahkan untuk menantikan Tuhan Yesus yang kedua kali.

Kita diajak untuk senantiasa hidup dalam " penantian " Tuhan kembali.

Sering kali kita senang Tuhan tidak datang-datang. Makanya tidak aneh kalau sampai saat ini, negara kita, meskipun orang diwajibkan punya agama, tapi Indonesia menjadi negara terkorup no.2 di dunia. Dan banyak orang Kristen yang menjadi pelaku korupsi, pembunuhan & perkosaan melibatkan orang Kristen, termasuk tidak menegakkan keadilan.

Penantian kita akan kedatangan Tuhan Yesus Kristus, tidak hanya bersifat fisik, tapi lebih kepada kesiapan spiritual, kesiapan hati yang terbuka menantikan kedatanganNya. Dan ini dinyatakan melalui kehidupan keseharian kita. Tuhan akan datang pada waktu yang kita tidak pernah tahu, oleh karena itu kita harus menantikannya setiap hari. Kita harus bersiap diri karena Tuhan bisa datang tiba-tiba. Kita harus seperti pohon ara, berturut-turut berbuah selama 10 bulan, tidak seperti pohon-pohon yang lain yang berbuah hanya 1x setahun, artinya -----> dimanapun kita berada orang merasa bersuka cita. Ini tidak mudah, sering kali kita tidak bisa menjadi berkat bagi diri sendiri, apalagi buat orang lain.
Bagaimana caranya ???
1. Kita bisa berdoa bagi gereja
2. Mendoakan pelayan-pelayan gereja
3. Mendengarkan keluh kesah orang lain
4. Mengingatkan teman-teman yang mungkin melakukan perbuatan yang tidak sesuai dengan Firman Tuhan.

Menantikan Tuhan berarti kita harus bergiat menjalani hidup dengan hati-hati dan tidak serampangan.

Dec 3, 2008

Pahlawan Pahlawan Iman

Matius 25 : 14 - 30

Pdt. Gatot Pudjo T ( GKI Jatiasih )

16 Nov 2008

Pahlawan iman adalah orang-orang yang gigih berjuang dalam Tuhan dan menjadikan damai sejahtera semakin nyata dalam hidup ini.
Tuhan Yesus menginginkan kita agar gigih berjuang menggunakan talenta yang sudah Tuhan berikan.
> Jangan pernah kita terpesona oleh persoalan-persoalan hidup yang kita hadapi sebab Tuhan kita jauh lebih berkuasa dari itu semua.
> Mungkin saat ini kita sedang menghadapi persoalan-persoalan pelik,sakit penyakit, ekonomi yang semakin sulit, tetapi bukan berarti tidak ada harapan.
Silahkan berani bercita-cita...
Kita harus yakin Tuhan kita Yesus kristus jauh lebih berkuasa dari persoalan-persoalan hidup yang kita hadapi.
Jangan mengabaikan potensi yang sudah Tuhan berikan kepada kita.
Marilah kita menghargai potensi yang sudah Tuhan berikan kepada kita.
Supaya GKI Jatiasih bisa menjadi berkat, dibutuhkan daya & dana.
Tuhan Yesus tidak semata-mata melihat hasil akhir, tapi Dia juga melihat proses iman kita, kesetiaan kita mengiring Dia.

Tuhan memanggil kita bukan untuk sukses, tapi untuk tetap setia.


Nov 27, 2008

Oleh : Pdt. Matulapelwa ( GPIB Immanuel ).

Di bulan Okt ini kita penting menghayati fungsi dan peranan masing2 anggota keluarga.
Seorang ayah/bapa/papi, apakah sudah betul2 menghayati peranannya sebagai seorang ayah, bapa dan pembimbing bagi keluarganya.
Apakah seorang ibu sudah benar2 menghayati fungsinya sebagai seorang ibu. Apakah seorang anak sudah benar2 menghormati orang tuanya dan taat kepada mereka.
Ujung tombak pelayanan dan kesaksian gereja adalah pribadi dan anggota keluarga gereja itu.
Betapa indahnya hidup persekutuan anggota keluarga yg tekun beribadah di dalam Tuhan.
Sekarang ini cenderung ada entertaint rohani. Orang berpikir Tuhan itu gampangan.
Orang percaya adalah orang yang hidup dari pengampunan Allah, orang yang dikuduskan---> orang menampilkan dirinya sebagai orang yg sudah diampuni -----> ucapannya,pikirannya,perilakunya.
Orang Kristen datang beribadah bukan mencari pahala.
Menjadi seperti ibu bagi sesama dalam arti luas dapat dilihat di dalam diri Yesus Kristus :

Yesus Kristus adalah kepala gereja gereja adalah tubuh

gereja ----> menjadi ibu bagi sesama
ibu yg baik senantiasa memantau anak2nya.

Anak2 yg suram masa depannya biasanya/umumnya kurang berkomunikasi dgn ibunya.
Anak2 yg berhasil biasanya rajin berinteraksi dgn ibunya.
Seandainya gereja benar2 menjadi ibu bagi anak2nya, maka anak2 itu akan hidup menurut pengajaran Kristus, dan peranan gereja yg benar adalah gereja yang setia memenuhi amanat tugas dan panggilannya.
Kadang2 seorang ibu menderita dan itu Alkitabiah, gereja pun demikian.
Kadang2 tekanan bisa membuat anggotanya lebih kompak.
Ibu yang baik adalah ibu yg selalu perhatian dgn anak2nya.
Gereja harus berperan seperti seorang ibu, gereja tidak boleh meninggalkan perannya sebagai hamba yang melayani melalui kesaksian & pelayanan kepada seluruh umat manusia.
Apakah gereja dan anggota keluarga sudah hidup harmonis, saling menghormati, saling mengasihi dan menegakkan keadilan di tengah-tengah keluarga, gereja dan masyarakat.


Oct 12, 2008

1-9: 2010: Poverty Elimination: index - welcome!2-9: The Global Point of View : the mental revolution3-9: The 3 Social Principles of Non-Violence : the 3 FPA's laws4-9: Future Predictions : the 5 possibilities on a global scale5-9: FPA’s Global Plan: solutions for the main world emergencies6-9: The possible development : the big race for poverty elimination 7-9: About us – Contacts: info about Free People Association8-9: Internet Campaigns : actions to support 2010: Poverty Elimination9-9: Immediate Activation: get ready now to be useful to everybodyPhoto: Apollo 17 - Nasa
2003 - Domenico Schietti - FPA
globalization revolution poverty, reduction, elimination, future prediction, predictions, action, actions, ideas, proposals, campaign campaigns, development, idea, nonviolence, future, life, love, intelligent, people, free
This is a non-profit site. Do you have articles to contribute? Do you want to remove a copyrighted image or an offensive text? Do you have any suggestions? Would you like to work with us?
Free People Association

As a foreword, we would like to help anyone who is eager to understand the global point of view by offering this great message of hope. Between 1988 and 1999 we had the chance to explain it to each of the about 700,000 people of more than 40 different cultures, in the streets of at least 200 towns all over the world (Manaus, Bombay, Frankfurt, Moscow, Tokyo; New York…). We had the chance to explain it during thousands of public speeches, knocking on the doors of more than 300,000 houses, handing out millions of leaflets and reaching even the remotest villages of ancient tribes. Since July 1999, we have undertaken the 2010: Poverty Elimination Campaign and on January 14th 2003 we gave birth to this site. Since the day the man landed on the moon, something changed. The vision of mystics, artists and scientists is nowadays comfortably true to everyone. That huge gap between peoples and individuals has eventually been filled. There will be love, fulfillment, rights and freedom for everybody. Living will be a right. Superstition, violence and suffering are doomed to be a blurred memory of the past. During the first planetary TV live coverage human conscience opened to a new point of view. When Armstrong turned towards the Earth,7 things changed in people's mind, which are the biggest revolution of all times. These are:Photo: Nasa

1. All human experiences, individuals, peoples, past, present and future blended into the sole view of the planet Earth in the sky. All that was divided seemed to be strictly bound to the same destiny. Everything was happening in the same place at the same time and it was wonderfully beautiful, graceful and lovable. 2. Yet, it is known that the senses play tricks on us, so life went on as if the Earth was still and the sun was turning around it. Nevertheless, it was clear that we move on a sphere turning around itself and the sun which, in turn, spins around in the middle of a Galaxy called the Milky Way. This is thought to be turning in the middle of something we call Universe. Science and progress overcame superstition and obscurantism. Eternal life stopped to be a religious dogma and started to be an objective within scientific progress’ grasp. 3. All human beings were thought to be “on the same boat”, therefore they felt the need to help one another. Not only God, but all human beings with their destiny were situated in the skies. All individuals, their opinions and aspirations started to be a fundamental and irreplaceable part of the universe. The great richness of mankind. 4. As a consequence, identifying themselves in mankind turned out to be natural. Every suffering and joy of any human being started to be everybody’s suffering and joy. Crowds began to get involved to sort general problems out and to make life accepted by everyone's conscience. 5. That global vision of oneself and the others, of the universe, history and destiny, which once belonged to mystics, artists and scientists, that comforting, endless and inspiring vision that used to be named God, eventually became everyone’s. 6. The unconceivable had become conceivable and therefore the idea of “unconceivable”, that is God, changed. God was everything, but everything had changed. 7. The Peoples started to feel the need to adjust themselves to this change to free themselves from the past, bias and mutual hatred and to create one huge global nation, the reign of love, fulfilment, rights and freedom. The triumph of non violence, science and prosperity: in search of love and eternity to conquer the endless space.

Considering what we are living now, if we tried to walk in an Astronaut’s boots who looks at his planet up in the sky, close to the stars, what idea would we have? We think we are living an epoch-making change. Technology and progress increased speed and decreased time. Connections are very fast and changes can happen so quickly. Yet, this generates tension. Many mental systems are not ready and resist by trying to stop history over its triumph in different historical conditions. In every corner of the world wars are waged not only between armies of different nations, but also between parties of the same nations, between factions of the same parties, inside factions, families, lobbies, companies, clans, religions, everywhere. It is clear something big is going to happen. If fight were the rule, whoever felt to be right would assume the right to use violence. It would be a mental explosion, more than a physical one. The conscience of billions of people would not bear the clash of their internal contradictions and collective schizophrenia would be the result. Yet, this is not bad: it is only a sign of the need to be aware of the change in progress and make an effort to stretch a hand toward alleged enemies to hug them, caress them, love them and help them, ask them questions and listen to them, accept their virtues and faults and ask them to do the same with us. It is well known that the human mind is dualist. Good and Evil, God and Satan, man and woman. But for this same reason, the mind can follow a brand new path whose terms are not contradictory but complementary, not in competition but helpful, not dialectic but communicative. More than in other times, one has to use the brain and stimulate the development of of new neural connections to go beyond what has always been thought and be open to accept the newest of the 7 points previously mentioned.. Pragmatically, only by carrying out point number 4 the mind manages to be clearer, to understand the revolution we have talked about and live that wonderful destiny which soon will belong to the entire human race. (Domenico Schietti, January 2003)

1 - Sorry, should I be brief?

Non-violence, scientific method, poverty elimination.
2 - Actually in 1988 nobody spoke of a global point of view. But have you been repeating this same speech to everyone for 10 years?

Yes, we have. Even though we also worked on specific issues of the global point of view in order to make it clearer in certain periods. We organised forums open to everyone, publications open to everyone, campaigns about topics of common interest and we also cooperated in many activities of other organisations. We managed to carry out important projects, such as lights in dangerous crossroads, rather than saving entire populations from death or genocide.
3.What is your view of the past?

What has been does not jeopardize what is going to be. The prosperity and joy of everyone glorifies everybody’s past; we talk about future, we talk about non violence, science and elimination of poverty. Let’s eliminate poverty, please.
4. How should we behave with bad people or those who are always distrustful, prejudiced, or those who want death, revenge and destruction?

Even though they were in charge of something, in most cases they are weak people, scared and alone, with tensions and serious illnesses, who often have addictions (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, chocolate, painkillers). They are advised to take care of themselves or to see a doctor they trust. In other cases, they are already under treatment and have to be treated like any other sick person, maybe sometimes they should be given flowers or a ticket for the circus sometimes.
5. And what about the struggle for power and possession?

Julius Caesar would exchange his empire for one of our laptop PCs. The world has changed. The main desire is not to settle down but rather to travel, to have few objects easy to carry along. The logic of power and possession is like the art of riding a horse: before the invention of engines it was an existential need but today it is just a hobby for enthusiasts. People used to go on very long pilgrimages to see a painting or a beautiful picture; today you just need turn the TV on or to connect to the Internet. Nobody wants golden taps or servants any longer. People want freedom: the world has changed. Power and success are anachronistic. The future is not Blade Runner or Matrix, but tenderness, poetry and tranquillity. An agricultural contractor with a tractor does the job of a million of farmers of the past. And the same is true for employees and workers with computers and technology. The elimination of poverty is no more a utopia, but rather a reachable task: Let’s eliminate poverty, please.Photo: Ap
6. Why didn’t almost anybody realise that?

You can’t see it inside of it (the forest, the immensity, the youth, the joy, the Earth, mankind…
7. You speak about the Milky Way turning around in the middle of the Universe. What about the Big Bang?

Actually we don’t have enough data. For instance it has to be clarified whether the space exists outside the human conscience or it is a phenomenon of the conscience itself. And the same is true for time. Data are too few and it is all fantasy theories and unjustified projections of the dominant mental system.
8. Can you explain me better what you said under 5 and 6 about God?

The concept of God must be redefined on a global scale because it has been mixed up. When we talk about God, nobody knows what we are talking about or who He is or what this God is, what one’s own is or the others’, whether He is one or many. It is a big confusion and therefore we must make an effort to find a solution that may be improved as time passes and that may please everybody at present. Since we know that no God is for poverty, while theological questions are being settled, our proposal is to get together to help the weak, the ones in need, the sick, the harmless and those who suffer: 2010: Poverty Elimination .
9. How can you explain the global point of view to children?

Just give them a globe, and then it will happen naturally.
10. I’m sorry, but I haven’t understood anything…

Space missions opened the human mind to a new point of view. Millions of people were spontaneously pushed to get together in the name of love, non violence, rights, mankind, prosperity, freedom and science. But after the fall of the Berlin wall all this came to an end. Only some still kept on believing in it. They kept the fire of hope alight and now the world is ready to embark on a new adventure: the elimination of poverty.
11. Can you tell me a funny anecdote?

Usually we see the Moon by looking up in the sky and, from the point we look upwards, we have an optic impression which makes us feel to be lower if compared to the Moon. Most people, when they imagine being on the Moon and looking at the Earth, think that the Earth is underneath and they have to look at it as if leaning out of a window and look downwards. They cannot understand that, on the Moon, if you look downwards you still see the Moon. And that is true for the Earth as well. On the Earth, the sky can be seen by looking up and the Moon, the Sun and the Stars are up in the sky. Thus, on the Moon, the sky can be seen by looking upwards and the Earth, the Sun and the Stars are up in the sky and are visible by looking up in the sky itself. The Earth is in the sky. The human being is in the sky. Our destiny is in the sky. That’s all. It sounds like a nonsense, but it’s the biggest mental revolution of all times.Photo: Nasa
2003 - Domenico Schietti - FPA

poverty, reduction, elimination, future prediction, predictions, action, actions, ideas, proposals, campaign campaigns, development, idea, nonviolence, future, life, love, intelligent, people, free
This is a non-profit site. Do you have articles to contribute? Do you want to remove a copyrighted image or an offensive text? Do you have any suggestions? Would you like to work with us?
Free People Association

Human beings can be easily upset and often, when facing certain kinds of problems, they get confused and make big mistakes. We follow a scientific approach to tackle problems and created 3 simple laws to guide those who want to make few mistakes with regards to social subjects: the Schietti’s Law; the Law about the Future and the Law of the Convoy, the 3 FPA Laws, also called “The 3 social principles of non-violence”.

The well-known Schietti’s Law (Domenico Schietti – 1988) says that the best possible solution is the one which is favourable to everyone and that is agreed upon by all parties. The proof is very easy: if a solution seems perfect on paper but it is not favourable to everyone and is not agreed upon by all parties, the ones who disagree or are penalized will not cooperate, thus making the plan unfeasible and source of never ending conflicts (i.e., between Israel and Palestine). On the contrary, if all parties agree upon and have advantages, they will even end up changing their own original conditions (i.e., the European Union). Therefore, when facing a problem, all the parties concerned are to be studied to find an unanimous agreement.Photo: Xinhua-Gao/Ap

Things in life can go 5 ways: improve, worsen, be steady, begin, end. The cleverness is to find as many certain data as possible and to make a connection between them to decide how things may develop in each of the 5 ways. An analysis of the future that does not include all the 5 possibilities is wrong or incomplete. One with false or contradictory data is equally wrong (there will be a famine and everybody will rejoice for not having to eat 3 times a day; water, electricity and condoms are Satan’s instruments and God will punish you; with more law enforcement there will be more freedom). Once the reasoning has been understood, it will be easier to predict the future : it may not be correct, but it will not surely be coarsely wrong. Therefore, you can better understand the truth when the others talk about the future, for instance, in politics. To sum up the Law about the Future: 1. Always consider all the 5 possibilities: better, worse, same, beginning, end; 2 make a connection between as many certain data as possible and verify that they are not contradictory.

A convoy always travels at the sped of the slowest vehicle. The law says that in order to increase the speed of the convoy, you have to increase that of the slowest vehicle. The convoy stands for any situation in which we have to go on together. In general, it is mankind heading for the future. Until now, in order to increase the speed, people have always tried to eliminate, exploit or drag the slowest vehicles (the poor, the weak, the different). But this is counterproductive because it triggers further slowing downs. In a convoy as in any closed group all the elements are strictly linked and generate chain reaction. It is even too easy to find analogies and understand the origin of problems in any convoy situation. For instance, wars, terrorism, crimes, pacifism, irrationality and absolutism are wrong applications of the law of the convoy and some of its consequent chain reaction. Instead, a right application of the law of the convoy would be to help the poor overcome their critical condition and get in motion with their own strength, because their speed is everybody’s speed.

1. Does science have its enemy in religions?

Rather than in religions, maybe it has its enemy in some obscurantist ecclesiastic lobbies which profit from the exploitation of ignorance, but this belongs to all lobbies.
2. Aren’t you aware that you are in contradiction with the law of nature and with what has always happened so far?

Before the invention of the wheel, men had to carry everything on their shoulders. Before the 3 FPA Laws, you had to be homo homini lupus. Convenience and utility make a behaviour win, that’s the law of nature. If the 3 FPA Laws are suitable to the evolution of the species, then the law of nature itself will make them prevail over what has been so far.
3. It seems to me that you insist on poverty, but why not on health, right, peace, freedom or democracy?

According to our data, the biggest problem is the discrimination of the poor. Here are some examples:- In Africa drugs for AIDS are everywhere but they are too expensive and thus inaccessible to the poor.- Entering Europe is not forbidden to non-EEC nationals, but to those who cannot prove to have a house, an income and a bank account. That is the poor.- Holidays in Saint Moritz are unaffordable not for those who cannot ski, but for those who have no money to pay the hotel.If we compare the discrimination suffered by the slaves in ancient Rome, the black people during Colonialism, the Jews under the Nazi regime, the ethnic minorities in modern China with the one the poor suffer nowadays all over the world, including China, India, Muslim Countries, Russia, the USA and Europe, we would realise that these are of the same kind. The poor lack those rights that are enjoyed by those who do not belong to their category. Since the world re-arrangement after the fall of the Berlin wall, people who have died because of this discrimination are about 900 millions, but maybe we are rounding down.Photo: Ap
4. Is a change in life-style necessary to enforce the 3 FPA laws?

Thanks to the speed of communication and to the spreading of the global point of view, this change in life style is already in progress. The 3 FPA Laws are the practical application of something everyone is aware of. That life style which:- aims at controlling and exploiting- studies the weaknesses to wear out- profits from suffering- dreams about superiority through competition- looks for personal advantage only- claims the right to destroy in the funniest way- justifies any means- does not accept evidence- charges the unsatisfied with ingratitude- considers the different intolerant- charges money for everythingThis is typical of political and managerial top positions, relations between companies, many sports, penetrations of markets with useless products and the submission of women to men, but luckily all this is becoming counterproductive and anti-historical. In the search of a partner, for instance, it is ineffective and it needs great economic investments to have little shows of affection. Scientifically speaking, it is useful to change one’s own life style and apply the 3 FPA Laws.
5. Is non-violence an ethical principle?

Yes, but not only. Non violence is also a life style and a science. It is an intention to move through the world, a choice, a cunning trick, intelligence, pragmatism; it is convenient and more effective. It is art and philosophy and it requires study and application. It has its own laws, such as: “do not do what you do not want the others to do”; “what you throw out of the door comes back through the window” and “live and let live”, “every thing at its time”,… Let’s make 3 examples: - the owner of a shoe store would hardly earn money if (s)he ill-treated the clients,- a youngster would hardly be successful in the search of a partner if (s)he were disrespectful towards the opposite gender.- Mankind would hardly progress if it kept on destroying itself with wars. There would be development cycles followed by decline cycles.An ethical principle is thought to be theoretically favourable, but not in practice and, as a consequence, valid for the others but not for oneself. Thus, non violence is not only an ethical principle. By non violence, we mean a group of behaviours including love, solidarity, friendship, communication, joy, freedom, respect and sincerity. All these attitudes can be defined as “non violence”.
6. Nice things, but how can you explain them to top lobbies?

You have to be patient. In most cases it is people with their body in this time and their head at Moses’, Tutankhamen’s or Julius Caesar’s era. - Most of them are males. - They think pyramids can be built with slaves and not with cranes. - They think they are elected and have a genetic superiority just like pharaohs thought of themselves as semi-gods. - They live the myth of eternal youth by surrounding themselves with young people who flatter them, but they are scorned by any girl in the street. - They are superstitious.- They think they are endowed with the historical responsibility to choose for the others and to guide them towards victory. - They think they are good people. - They are not aware of the change; they have not adapted themselves and, therefore, are useless even though they show a wide culture. You have to explain them the global point of view, science, non violence, the historical need to eliminate poverty. With a lot of patience, several times, by showing them scientifically how things go and make them evaluate the economic advantage.
7. What do you mean by scientific method?

If three friends throw 10 donkeys from the 10th storey of a building hoping that they would fly, but if these donkeys crash to the ground, the 11th that they throw will not fly because, contrarily to what they previously did, maybe one of them keeps the fingers crossed or touches wood. There is the need to carry out more complex studies, scientific ones that can be done by everyone, always with the same result. For instance, donkeys do not fly even though you cross your fingers.
8. How will you cope with the violent that run the world when you get the power?

When there was not the Internet, they used to follow us, to wait for us outside our home, to stop us disguised as policemen. Now they enter our PCs and take everything they need. Those people who falsely profit from this state of things and fear the spreading of some ideas such as the elimination of poverty. They fear that, together with poverty, we eliminate them as well, as it always happens after any important historical change. We have to guarantee continuity. We have to abolish the punitive system and use non violence. We leave them the power because we only want to eliminate poverty. We are helping everyone, including them. We back non violence and we want to apply Schietti’s law. We do not want power and what we will do is what we have always done before, that is, to try and help the others, even though those who believe to be our enemies. But they have to adapt to changes and innovate.Photo: Internet
9. What do we have to do to guarantee the continuity of a historical process already in progress and innovate at the same time?

We have to leave behind dangerous or counterproductive things and introduce those that are favourable to everyone. In other words, we have to apply the scientific method in politics too and, especially, the 3 social principles of non violence. The Global Campaign 2010: Poverty Elimination is trying to do this. We have to make it start and then it will all happen naturally.
10. What is the truth according to you?

In 2003 Truth is what you determine scientifically. One can say that tomorrow the sun will not rise, but anyone can say the hour and the exact place on the horizon. One can say that those who do not have legs come back with legs from Lourdes, but statistics say that nobody has ever come back from Lourdes with new legs. Anyone can say what they want, but to be believed they need a scientific proof. The Truth in 2003 is the one you scientifically prove, the rest is just “nonsense” or to be proved. Long live the Truth!
11. In regard to the law of the convoy: what is the point in going somewhere?

Individuals move their body in the world according to the best way to fulfil their needs. For instance, if I am hungry, then I will look for food. If I am sleepy, then I will seek rest. If one has something to express, then they will speak or maybe create a masterpiece. And this is true for human beings too. According to their needs, individuals and human groups direct their actions. They go somewhere. These needs are experienced by everyone and everyone moves according to them. For example, presently, the social group is becoming one and is beginning to look for a common direction. The most experimented social need is usually the one that concerns most people. In 2003 the biggest problem is poverty and the main need is to eliminate it. Thus, there is need to set times and action criteria. Thus, the global campaign for the possible development: 2010: Poverty Elimination .
12. What about the descent of warriors? And those born to fight? And the art and discipline of war? And the animal instinct of competition?

All this has partly been settled thanks to competitive sport disciplines. And these disciplines are to be extended to over 40 and over 60 championships, such as the over 40 Olympics, track and field events, 100 mt., and gold medal. Further, war must be included as sport discipline, with Olympic gold medals too. Many already wage it with fake pistols in the woods. And there are a lot of categories: guerrilla warfare, heavy means, air force, total war.
13. What do you think about the theory of relativity?

The theory of relativity is something very complex which is generally simplified by saying that all is relative and thus nothing is true, all is absurd, reality does not exist and one thing is the same as another one. But this is false. Once there was an old fisherman walking on water’s edge during a low tide. He was picking up starfishes and threw them back into the sea. A passer-by scolded him: “What are you doing? Why are you wasting your time? There are millions of kilometres of shoreline, millions of starfishes and one starfish more or one less makes no difference!” He threw another starfish into the water and said “It does make a difference to it!”
14. At a personal level, what principle of non violence do you advise me to use?

Many popular sayings are ok. Yet the principle of non-violence one usually refers to are:- do not do what you wouldn't like the others to do to you- do what you would like the others to do to youThese principles are expressed with slight differences and underlying different nuances according to the cultures in which they are present (Chinese, Indian, Jewish, Christian, African, Arabian, North and South American) and to the masters who used them as essential principles in their lives (Confucius, Jesus Christ…).Some say the principle is only one and that is the positive one. It is the one that highlights the action. Others say that it is two different principles. One underlines what to do and the other what not to do. Most of people do not obviously care. We prefer not to argue since we have created two new principles:- do not do what you wouldn't like the others to do- do what you would like the others to doWhy “do what you would like the others to do to you”? Why “do not do what you wouldn't like the others to do to you”? Why to you? Why to you only? Why this logic? These principles do not work and indeed they have not produced almost anything historically, despite millions or even billions of people made an effort to apply them. We think that one of the reasons of this failure is that they are focused on a selfish-individualistic type of logic. The “me”, the eye cast on the self. The ego that becomes the centre of the world. Since the biggest problems come from this very selfish-individualistic logic and not from the application of some principles, the principle must create a kind of bridge leading beyond the self in order to be valid: it should enable to escape the selfish-individualistic logic and open the mind towards the others. Otherwise we are back to square one, that is, the mirror, the non-existence of the others, the dream that seems real.So, for us:- do not do what you wouldn't like the others to do to you- do what you would like the others to do to youare wrong.But:- do not do what you wouldn't like the others to do- do what you would like the others to doare good.
2003 - Domenico Schietti - FPA

poverty, reduction, elimination, future prediction, predictions, action, actions, ideas, proposals, campaign campaigns, development, idea, nonviolence, future, life, love, intelligent, people, free
This is a non-profit site. Do you have articles to contribute? Do you want to remove a copyrighted image or an offensive text? Do you have any suggestions? Would you like to work with us?
Free People Association

The Law regarding predictions for the Future says:- always take all five possibilities into account: better, worse, steady, beginning and end.- compare the greatest number of reliable feasible data and check that they don’t contradict one another.According to the Law regarding the Future and to the data we have gathered, these are the 5 possibilities on a global scale.1. End: The interests of the various powerful groups prevail. The economic, psychological, social and environmental situation irreversibly degenerates into violence and self-destruction.2. Worse: The situation increasingly worsens to the extent that armies intervene, setting up a dictatorship, enforcing martial law and keeping the world in a permanent state of war.3. Steady: The groups in power implement changes which lead the situation to a stalemate characterised by an unreliable news system, major social injustice, fake democracies, mass mobilization, economic crises, terrorist attacks, unsound actions, migrations, wars, famines and environmental disasters.4. Better: Mass communication spreads through the Internet. Progressive corrective mechanisms are set into motion untill a EU-style process of regionalization of the main areas of the world is accomplished as well as elections of a new democratic world government.5. Beginning: The Global Point of View , The 3 Social Principles of Non-Violence , 2010: Poverty Elimination . A new phase of human history begins when non-violence, scientific approach and prosperity prevail.Photo: Ap

1. What do you think about armed interventions in defence of peace and democracy?

They are nonsense because violence breeds violence.
2. What alternatives do you suggest?

2010: Poverty Elimination , Global Campaign for Possible Development.
3. What do you think of Islamic terrorism?

We support the setting up of an Arab Union. Hindering its birth is a big mistake, which fosters fundamentalism.
4. And of the UN?

It’s an instrument of fake democracy.
5. What about those anti-American window-smashing anti-globalists?

There are many violent, non-scientific and non-democratic groups defending right causes such as human rights, peace and the environment.
6. And what about Americans?

Every nation has its merits and faults. Freedom and democracy are meaningless without love and non-violence. The same is true the other way around.
7. What is your opinion on the clash between civilisations?

According to our collected data, (also obtained through the correspondence kept with hundreds of people all over the world) there is no on-going clash between civilisations: civilisations are perfectly compatible. Instead, there is an on-going clash between powerful lobbies with a sure predominion of those connected to the dollar and the New Roma plan – American World Empire.
8. What is meant by EU-style regionalization of the main areas of the planet?

We refer in particular to the Arab countries, Latin America, Southeast Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. The United States have been a successful nation because they are a confederation of states. Unity is strength and so it will be for Europe. Let us look at Africa, for instance: the borders were created by colonialist powers; the ethnical conflicts which are devastating it, still represent the main consequence of that. Redefining the borders or the balance of power within an inequitable system of nations is not the problem. It is necessary to join forces and guarantee the dignity and cultural wealth of each ethnic group within a great African nation. The absence of one large, single African nation represents a big disadvantage for everyone, also for the multinationals dealing in raw materials which are forced to spend a lot of money on arming armies in defence of their investments.
9. What growing phenomenon baffles you most?

Sexual violence. Poverty, repression, propaganda and need produce a flourishing market for the usual lobbies controlling the mass abuse of other people’s bodies. Billions of people are victims of bleakness, rape and perversion. The exploiters themselves have become the first victims. No-one cares about psychosocial consequences. Young people are abandoned to desperation and sexual diseases. By now, the emancipation of women has become a memory now lost in the hope of some enlightened mind. To give you a faint idea of the phenomenon, I shall say that every year millions of explicit sex scenes of boys not using condoms can be found on the Internet. These boys risk their lives for a few euros; furthermore, they are often persuaded to do so it for free through false promises, out of boast and pride, and without knowing they are being filmed. But,there are hundreds of millions of virtual customers, and this makes an immensely profitable activity for telephone companies. This is also a reason why we support non-violence and poverty elimination.
10. What shall we do if either situation 1 or 2 occur?

Many parts of the world are already plunged into either situation 1 or 2. As far as situation 1 is concerned, it would be necessary to get some survival manuals, read them and keep them at hand. In case you realized you were dead, it would mean that you have lost your life but certainly not your conscience. As for situation 2, you shouldn’t expose yourself, especially if you have already compromised yourself with power.
11. What would you suggest doing in case you realized you were dead?

Up until 2010 our primary goal must be poverty elimination. We therefore suggest always following our suggestions on the Immediate Activation site page.
12. What do you mean by women’s emancipation?

Both on a personal and social level, most human behaviours are determined by the choices one makes on the basis of the interpretations of impulses sent by the body to the conscience. Therefore, by women’s emancipation we mean a society which values the impulses produced both by a woman’s body and by a man’s body. Here are some example:- softness and hardness- roundness and squareness- warmth and insight- intelligence and force- tidiness and mess- the part and the whole- teaching and learning- pain and pleasure- good and evil- necessity and desire- justice and respect- equality and diversity- life and death- hatred and love- God and SatanWe certainly don’t believe that equality between men and women is determined by the fact that women can also serve in the army. We are talking about a real revolution, the creation of a new way of thinking, allowing everyone’s conscience to make historically suitable choices: The Global Point of View .Photo: Ap photo - Mark J. Terril
13. And by sex tourism?

There are many kinds of sex tourism. Who could deny having at least once hoped to chat someone up during Summer holidays at the beach? So far so good. Yet, as far as we know, in these last years millions of people have gone on holiday to exotic places for the sole purpose of sexually abusing children under 14 years of age. Sometimes we hear about a specific case of paedophilia and groups of 10/15 paedophiles. There are dozens of millions of paedophiles in the world. If we don’t change quickly and on a global scale the the social conditions which allow poverty , justify violence and prefer punishment to rehabilitation, among other things, in a few years there will be several million of grown up “exotic” children, probably HIV positive, attempting to redress the wrongs they suffered. It is impossible to imagine how they would do that, but it generally is one of the many possible ways which could lead to situation 1. If we wish to avoid disaster, we need to prompt a "small" change. People who make mistakes must be helped. It is necessary to quickly shift from punishment to rehabilitation everywhere.
14. If a new time comes, when will the turning point occur?

Do you know that:1.Armies are mankind’s greatest resource.2. The turning point in human history will take place once when armies are no longer used for war purposes, peace-keeping, crime fighting, and defending seats of power and start being used to support people in need, build great works, and face emergencies of all kind.3.Army supplies have been the greatest source of profit since the time of Tutankhamen and Nabuchadnezzar.. Try and think about this: mess-tins, little berets, collar badges, different shoes for each season, daggers, long bayonets, short bayonets, medium bayonets, knives, small knifes, big knives, rucksacks, backpacks , MRE, green t-shirts...4.The use of armies for humanitarian purposes would guarantee employment to professional soldiers and to workers of the war industries, and the continuity business among those industries that have secured it for themselves.5. Instead of missiles, hospital equipment, tractors and means of production, could be built to be given away or sold in interest-free installments prorated as per product profit to people in need, and which armies could teach them how to use re-launching the economy of poor countries and of the whole world.6.Wouldn’t it be great if we truly stopped fighting in this world and war could be turned into an Olympic sport complete with medals. .7. This way, all peoples would be happy and so would children and even more so women, young and old people. Everybody would be happy, love would prevail and life would be just great.8.The above would be a typical enforcement of Schietti’s law. The first social principle of non-violence.9. It is for these purposes that the Libera Associazione il Popolo promotes the Internet Campaign THE ARMY OF LOVE.
15. What does the monetary economic crisis consist of?

Due to uncontrolled competition, to achieve cost cuts salaries are reduced and when salaries shrink the capital to be allocated to product purchases drops. When production decreases, costs increase and therefore profits and salaries drop. In order to solve the economic crisis, it is necessary to raise salaries and sell income-generating products on an interest-free instalment basis, which then may be repaid through the income they produce. In other words, it is just a matter of carrying out the resolutions of the global campaign for feasible development: 2010: Poverty Elimination .
16. What do you think about the Internet?

Music, cinema, television, they have all produced apathy and psychological disorders, a bit like religion: billions of people wandering around in a trancelike state, oblivious of the world. Nothing but a series of illusory sounds and images clashing with real life and prompting people to to sleep or to walk around in a state of derangement, prey to all sorts of delusions. The Internet can produce a direct shift from this trancelike delusion to collective schizophrenia. A kind of existential paradox which sees a virtual world of happiness, freedom and desire to be in the limelight on one side, and a real world of violence, exploitation and destruction on the other. The Internet is a child of our time and can determine a shift to either better or worse conditions than those we have seen up to now. If the Internet becomes an integral part of our world and helps in asserting the global point of view, then the Internet will be one of the main instruments of the greatest revolution ever. If not, like religion, cinema and television, it will become a new kind of drug, a substitute for reality. One of the many ways to gradually drift into situation 1, towards the end, while dreaming of being happy.Photo: Internet
17.And about those who fight against poverty?

First, let’s make it clear that there are different ways to fight against poverty. Poverty elimination is a concept that encompasses economic revival, the fight against illiteracy rather than that against malaria, hunger or violence. Yet, anybody who is committed to voluntary work as well as anybody who has a socially useful job and gets rightly paid for it, can be said to be fighting against poverty. Tax payers also support poverty elimination by financing education, international co-operation and public health. Of course, our thought and praise particularly go out to those who put their life at risk in unbearable situations to fight against poverty. These people are the great heroes of our time; there are many of them and they’d deserve the headlines every day. The heck with terrorists, hawks and bureaucrats?! For those of us who are suffering and can’t cope anymore, for those of us, and therefore for the great majority of human beings on planet Earth, these people are our heroes. Our affection and warmest thanks go out to all of them. Thank you!
18.What is your opinion of the World Bank and IMF actions?

As a result of the fact that they primarily have to obey the lobbies connected to the dollar, they have adopted policies to their advantage and have made a great number of wrong decisions, therefore impoverishing billions of human beings: peoples, nations and entire continents. Everywhere, there are social conflicts, struggles between poor people, absence of solidarity, pursuit of self-survival to the detriment of society at large. Practically speaking, we are all against each other and no one can trust anybody. As a consequence, self-interested people are now among the political, economic and military executive cadres, especially among those of the World Bank and IMF, and they are acting against society and the organisations they belong to. In order to come through, it is not important to change executive cadres with new or even worse ones. It is instead essential to carry out the 2010: Poverty Elimination resolutions.
2003 - Domenico Schietti - FPA

poverty, reduction, elimination, future prediction, predictions, action, actions, ideas, proposals, campaign campaigns, development, idea, nonviolence, future, life, love, intelligent, people, free
This is a non-profit site. Do you have articles to contribute? Do you want to remove a copyrighted image or an offensive text? Do you have any suggestions? Would you like to work with us?
Free People Association

Any plan aiming at being scientific must, first of all, be global, since events are all closely interlinked. Drawing a line between domestic and foreign policies no longer makes sense. It is necessary to enforce the same policy everywhere. Here are the 10 points of FPA’s Global Plan:POINT 1. Love, communication, friendship, non-violence, solidarity, scientific thinking, respect, sincerity, joy, freedom.POINT 2. EU-style regionalization (even better) of the main areas of the planet. World Union and Democratic World Government.POINT 3. Guaranteed free basic necessities for everyone (housing, food, water, clothing, health-care, education, energy, transport, minimum income, vocational training, love and freedom)POINT 4. Gradual disarmament, elimination of borders, abolition of imprisonment.POINT 5. Shutting down of nuclear power stations, clean energy, waste recycling, aqueducts, reforestation, food quality control, birth control policies.POINT 6. Cities on a human scale, with a maximum of 10,000-15,000 inhabitants.POINT 7. Mandatory twelve-month community service for everyone, followed by 30 days of service every year.POINT 8. The improvement of the Declaration of Human Rights.POINT 9. The 3 Social Principles of Non-ViolencePOINT 10. 2010: Poverty Elimination : global campaign for feasible developmentPhoto: Internet

POINT 1: Love, communication, friendship, non-violence, solidarity, scientific approach, respect, sincerity, joy, freedom.
1. Do you think that you own the truth and that the rest of us are idiots or or what?

Not at all. If we were proved wrong or were presented with better suggestions, we would be ready to change our mind at any time,after the necessary verification and scientific confirmation, of course. We value everyone's contribution and comments. Anyway, our mission is to make proposals and spread ideas; our aim is to help everyone. We are not against anyone. This site is the result of the contributions made by over 700,000 people, coming from 40 different cultural backgrounds; we have personally corresponded with all of them since 1988 . The site is constantly being improved, thanks to the thousands of suggestions emailed to us.
2. Among all your suggestions happiness is the one I reckon the most necessary. How do you think you can make it become a reality?

By eliminating poverty... the poverty of ideas for a start.
3. What do you think of things like foot massages, amulets, miraculous herbs and recoveries?

A little foot massage is certainly better than a punch in the face, and an amulet is often nothing more than a cute little trinket to grow fond of. But, if they cost more than 15-20 euros, it could be that you are being cheated. As for the supposed miraculous herbs, most of the time they are simply drugs full of active principles and should therefore be taken under strict medical control. Again, if they cost more than normal medicines, it could be that someone is trying to cheat you. Finally, as far as miraculous recoveries are concerned, penicillin has probably treated more people than the usual saints have, including Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed all together. No one-legged man has ever been seen coming back from Lourdes with his missing leg, whereas major hospitals produce amazing prostheses that function almost as well as real legs.
4. Why is violence said to be a vicious circle difficult to break?

Because we all need both to assert ourselves and to preserve our own psychophysical integrity. As a result, we attach social value to our own behaviours, thus dignifying them and the reasons for them. So far so good. Unfortunately, every type of behaviour has a violent side to it as well, sometimes unintentional, just like when we tread on ants and kill them, or when antibodies kill microbes and bacteria in our blood. The more violent a behaviour is, the higher the social value. The higher the social value, the greater the satisfaction, and therefore the need to repeat it. Old offenders and serial killers are some examples of the above-mentioned phenomenon; they even think that they are acting in God's name for the spiritual salvation of humanity and curse anyone who tries to interfere with God's purifying actions. Sometimes, both persecutors and persecuted show the same psychological characteristics. For instance, many government leaders and economic lobbies from all over the world are a typical example of people affected by the serial killer syndrome. In these cases, spending a few years working in aid centres, helping their own victims, would be the best way for them to recover their own psychophysical balance.
5. What is your opinion about drugs? Do you take them?

Generally, the question of drug usage is a farce. For instance, in Italy cannabis is forbidden and it is seen as the last step to Hell while children are stuffed with chocolates made of cacao, which is known to cause the same effects. Then again, people can't legally buy heroin, but they can legally buy as many analgesics as they want, which have very similar effects. Drugs are pharmacological substances full of active principles. We must call things by their right name. They are medicines and must therefore be taken under strict medical control. As far as our habits are concerned, we are for the clearness of mind, a balanced diet, prevention, treatment, health and perfect psychophysical conditions, but we consult more than one doctor and take medicines when we fall ill.
6. How would you solve the problem of street prostitution?

Some images that come to mind of cities of love with all kinds of fictitious brothels are nothing but a consequence of repressed sexual desire. If defecation were socially unacceptable, people would imagine big cities of defecation. Just as people satisfy their sexual desire on the street having sex with strangers, with no regard for hygienic and sanitary conditions and without any respect for themselves or others , they would satisfy their need to defecate on the street, seeing any place as a potential toilet and boasting about the number of times and the strangest places in which they evacuated their bowels. Small wellness centres should be opened in the larger motorway rest areas, which already include small supermarkets, where anyone may take a shower, have a massage or satisfy his sexual desire, with qualified staff and in conformity with current work regulations, tax codes and sanitary regulations . Don't exhausted truck drivers, soldiers stationed overseas, or commercial travellers, have the right to a shower, a massage or some affection? Or is that just a privilege for politicians, priests, emirs and Mafia bosses?

POINT 3 : Guaranteed free basic necessities for everyone (housing, food, water, clothing, health-care, education, energy, transport, minimum income, professional training, love and freedom).
1. Are you for Marxist-style property expropriation, public ownership of the means of production and the elimination of private property?

On the contrary, we want everybody to be given his own private property and his own means of production and communication.
2. Love and freedom, didn't you already mention them in point 1. Do you mean free love and sex at no cost?

Point 1 lists some reference values in which to believe. In point 3, we refer to the necessities that society should freely grant everyone by full right. As for the question of free love and sex at no cost, we certainly believe that everyone has the right to live his sexuality as he pleases, bearing in mind that other people's freedom interferes with ours and ours interferes with that of others. Given a situation, it can happen that certain things are sometimes allowed and sometimes not. Luck, nature or skill may sometimes create differences, which it would be unfair to institutionalise since that would be discriminating. It is also necessary to bear in mind that internal drives change as one becomes older, and that each age must have the chance to live its own drives freely without having to suppress or deviate them into frustration and violence. In our opinion, it is essential to encourage the development of meeting places and communicative environments so as to promote interchange, knowledge and experience, which must always be properly given to all those who request it. People who do it professionally must be entitled to the same rights as other workers. In reference to point 3 of LAP's plan, we mean that everyone should be able to receive the help, care and attention he needs to live, think and choose freely.
3. What about money?

To start with, we are thinking of abolishing money and replacing it with computerized credits so as to considerably reduce illegal financial transactions such as illicit trade, corruption and tax evasion. As for basic necessities, everyone pays for them throughout the course of his life by doing community service. There will also be a guaranteed minimum income for everyone to cover basic needs, even if he is working or owns property. Payments at restaurants, supermarkets and everywhere else could be made by mobile phone or credit card.Photo: Internet
4. And how are these houses for everyone going to be?

Modular, ultramodern, fully equipped, indestructible, high-tech, environmentally friendly, ecocompatible – built using modular and recyclable materials provided in a variety of kits.
5. And vocational training?

There are many income-generating activities. By vocational training, we mean free university and interest-free instalment sales of vocational training equipment, to be paid back by means of a commission on the income generated. For instance, solar panels, hydro-turbines, wind turbines, dental equipment, gym and wellness equipment, trucks, land for intensive farming, shops in shopping centres.
6. And pensions?

Why do we say pensions instead of pension? What is the difference? Are people treated differently depending on whether they work at the hospital or in school? Shouldn't survival be guaranteed to everyone from the day of conception onward, and those who want a higher pension may work longer, up until the age of 90, and take out a life insurance, a life annuity or a private pension for themselves? What is the problem?

POINT 4 : Gradual disarmament, elimination of borders, abolition of imprisonment.
7.What do you think of abortion? Are you for or against it?

Abortion is a very delicate question. In our own opinion, abortion can be made neither illegal nor obligatory and any woman facing an unwanted pregnancy, or whose pregnancy poses a risk to her life must have the right to choose. Yet, a foetus is a living being endowed with a human genetic code. It can’t talk, walk or think. But deaf-mutes and paralytics can’t talk and walk either, as well as elderly people and minors may not have mental capacity. It is necessary to be careful. Any woman whishing to have children must be guaranteed the opportunity to do so in a dignified manner from the day of conception onward. It is also essential to encourage the use of contraceptives, especially condoms, which should be provided for free on request, and to thoroughly teach sexual education in schools. Bear in mind that abortions and medical treatments for sexual diseases are a greater cost to society than the free mass distribution of condoms and sexual education in schools. Measures must be taken to prevent abortion from being used as a way of contraception.
1. What will it be like without prisons?

Punitive systems have never been a deterrent to crime. Prisons have existed for a long time but have never prevented criminals from committing crimes. On the contrary, the greater the persecution, the greater the number of crimes. Everyone must be entitled to make mistakes, which must become the best way to learn. It is necessary to change the current penal system into one based on rehabilitation rather than punishment, education rather than persecution, love rather than revenge. It is important to build as many community centres as the number of different crimes, where people can choose to attend courses or do socially useful jobs according to their own preferences, earn a wage and go out freely thanks to a satellite location detector. Skilled medical staff must be provided when handling specific socially dangerous cases caused by serious mental illnesses.

POINT 6 : Cities on a human scale, with a maximum of 10,000-15,000 inhabitants .
1. What do you suggest doing about traffic congestion and air pollution in big cities?

1. We will set up an office for the purpose of redeploying workers on a territorial basis. Here is how it will work: an office-worker who lives in Milan in the Barona district, but works in the Niguarda district, applies to this office, hoping to find an office-worker, just like him, who, on the contrary,lives in Niguarda and works in Barona and who is willing to swap places. Once you understand the mechanism, you can easily understand all of its functions. 2. Loans for small city cars: grants for an amount of at least 1,500 euros (500 from the town council, 500 from the Region and 500 from the State) to replace normal-sized vehicles running on traditional fuel with small, environmentally friendly city cars. 3. Free public transport. 4. Small towns with a maximum of 10-15,000 inhabitants.
2. How are you going to deal with building smaller towns and urban areas?

Big cities are already divided into zones/areas. The first step is to turn these areas into real municipal districts, each with its own mayor, town council, local government, municipal police and public transport. The historical centre of Milan, for instance, would become the city itself while the areas of Barona, Niguarda, Quarto Oggiaro, Città Studi, Centrale, Ticinese and all the other areas would become real self-governing municipalities.

POINT 8 : The improvement of the Declaration of Human Rights
1. How will it be done?

For the time being, it is not easy to say how. A lot of people are working on it. Children’s rights, women’s rights, workers’rights, disabled people’s rights, elderly people’s rights, patients' rights, young people’s rights....Sometimes it takes a lot of experience and reading material to explain things that in time will be defined in one word.

POINT 9: The 3 Social Principles of Non-violence.
1. What do you think of the presidential system?

The presidential system is a form of absolutism and is the least scientific of all forms of government. It turns the human being into a sort of gregarious animal living in packs where the sexual impulse drives the strongest to prevail in the struggle for self-assertion, and to rule according to his own personal suggestions. Overall, we have scientifically analysed dozens of situations in order to verify the effectiveness of leaders. In all situations, we observed that it is necessary to have diversified functions, specific points of reference, and qualified people who can complement each other in order to help one another, offer a service, listen, improve and set a good example for others. On the other hand, we observed that absolutist leaders are self-defeating and cause initiatives to fail. They actually create authoritarian punitive systems, which are based on violence and justify it, and consequently give rise to internal disputes, rivalry, conflicts, sabotage and financial losses. In theses cases, the weakest, instead of being helped, are subjected, ruled, punished and exploited.Photo: Internet
2. It is often said that democracy is going through a crisis:

abstentionism, corruption, bureaucracy and red tape, party politics. What do you plan to do?We are not interested in the acquisition of political power. As for democracy, we believe it is a good thing. Schietti’s Law, the Law regarding the Future and the Law of the Convoy would make things much easier; it would make them scientific. Election platforms would be prepared according to these laws and would become intelligible at last. Ruling a country would become easier as a result of the enforcement of the three laws concerned. Political parties and parliaments would become useless. I know that the actual explanation of the mechanism can be a bit boring, but we think that a system based on direct candidatures and direct annual elections of municipal ministers would be the best way: three ministers for each ministry and 3 municipal prime ministers. All together, they would set up a town council of ministers or mini municipal parliament. The municipal ministers would elect the provincial ones, and so on. The ministers must have lived permanently and for at least 7 years in the municipality they will be elected in. If a person can not or does not want to vote , he can delegate someone else as people do in condo meetings. The vote of each minister is worth the total of all the votes he received. Likewise for the vote of the municipal minister for the provincial one. Provincial ministers are elected from among the municipal ministers at the end of their annual term of office. Again, regional ministers are elected from among the provincial ministers at the end of their term of office, and so on. Monthly opinion polls on the main problems and proposals would be carried out using mobile phones, specialised interviewers and computers located in the key areas of the municipalities: computerized elections will be carried out via mobile phones or the Internet. A lot of money would be saved and citizens would be able to control the system all along.
3. Do you want to abolish political parties?

Yes, we do. Political parties have by now become companies or their offshoots . No one can stop these companies from existing, but we can prevent them from taking power and using it to pursue their own interests to the detriment of society. In our opinion, candidates must be elected as private individuals and they must relinquish any other job or elected office when they are elected. Thanks to computerized credits, (see answers 3, point 3) it becomes easy to check if they are being bribed. If it turns out that the elected candidates are not suitable , they can be replaced in a short period of time thanks to the annual elections. The 3 interdependent powers would no longer be just the 3 traditional ones. Only elected candidates would be appointed to hold office, thus subjecting the various branches of government to the people's will, and not the opposite, as it happens in fake democracies.

POINT 10: 2010: Poverty Elimination: Global Campaign for a Possible Development
1. Give me a more detailed explanation of poverty elimination

You will find all the explanations you need on our website page 2010: Poverty Elimination . Remember that many of the subjects have only just been treated and require more in-depth research and study. Should you have any doubt on the feasibility, will and costs of this campaign, bear in mind that these are inherent to the times ahead.
2003 - Domenico Schietti - FPA

poverty, reduction, elimination, future prediction, predictions, action, actions, ideas, proposals, campaign campaigns, development, idea, nonviolence, future, life, love, intelligent, people, free
This is a non-profit site. Do you have articles to contribute? Do you want to remove a copyrighted image or an offensive text? Do you have any suggestions? Would you like to work with us?
Free People Association

1. We, as Free Members of Free People Association, declare that love exists and life is a right. The day they will become eternal for everyone will soon come. Thus, let’s stop immediately every form of violence and hostility so that the mutual help be total.2. Human Rights and the 3 Social Principles of Non-Violence must be respected everywhere, and be the single currency in Africa, the Arabic world and Latin America.3. Where possible, small businesses must have hydro-turbines, aeolian turbines, solar panels, and any other means to produce clean energy on their own.4. All the means to produce or trade goods and services must be granted to those who are willing to. An estate on their own, with seeds, manure, consultancy, product purchase and tanks for water preservation, farmyard, grazing and breeding animals.5. All the above mentioned means must be paid without pressure, by instalments without interest, through the product purchase.6. Everyone must be offered a job and a salary.7. We also demand that water be transferred from places where there is plenty, like the sources of the main rivers, to places where it is lacking, like the areas where desertification is going on. Transported via water pipe systems, water-supply ships, and environment-friendly trucks. Clean-energy desalination plants must be built wherever possible. Further, new collection water tanks and large reservoir water tanks must be built.8. The assistance of unarmed UN technicians must be provided for at least one year, everywhere it is needed.9. This campaign aims at eliminating poverty by 2010 by fostering the growth of the global economy through developingthe rural areas, employment, and enterprise all over the world, especially in the poorest areas.10. All that goes this way is complementary and welcome..11. The funding should be raised through the ordinary investment trusts of the main banks and promoted in the media. Companies will undertake to sell the products. Unions, humanitarian organisations, journalists and international watchdogs must act as protectors against any illegal practice. Governments, in turn, will undertake to collect taxes and invest them in health, education, rights and poverty elimination.12. In the event of illegal practices, the persons responsible for them are supposed to pay the damages.Photo: AP - Martin Rickett

There are plenty of ways to start immediately and be useful:1. You can launch an Internet Campaigns 2. You can translate this web site in other languages3. You can add the web site 2010: Poverty Elimination to your favorites.4. You can open a personal web site with the same content.5. You can talk about it with your friends, colleagues or relatives.6. You can help people to contact organisations and institutions with economic means in order to act.7. You can promote an investment trust for a situation of poverty that you know personally.8. You can invest your money in a reliable Bank in an international investment trust and in companies that respect the international ethical standars about right, environment and employment.9. You can choose to buy only products in accordance with international ethical standards.10. You can operate within your own organisations.11. You can promote your company with initiatives useful to everyone12. You can choose a job which is not harmful to anyone.13. You can introduce a discovery, an invention, scientific theories; you can write a book, shoot a movie, reportage, a TV program..14. You can hand out or stick up leaflets in premises where it is allowed to.15. You can take part in forums, meetings; you can write letters to companies, media and journalists to sensitise the public opinion16. You can have a secret task you talk about with no one17. You can pay taxes.18. You can carry out a voluntary service with organisations you trust.19. You can give the good example20. You can help the others in the limits of your possibilities.21. You can try to make friends with people you normally do not get along with.22. Other.

1. If we wished to start 2010 Poverty Elimination independently from

the big organisations and expensive projects which require time and professional skills, what do we have to do?1. Develop friendship and relations where you want to activate the campaign.2. Understand what is needed to get the economy back into motion (water containers, electricity, seeds, manure, hoes, small business, pliers, nails, pulleys, ropes, bikes, drugs…). It does not take too much sometimes.3. Create reliable and solid relationships with wealthy people, town councils and organisations directly or through the INTERNET, by mail, messages in a bottle or mobile phones.4. Explain them what is needed to get the economy back into motion and listen to their opinion.5. Encourage them to create an investment trust with their friends or acquaintances.6. Invite them to purchase the necessary means either by mail or directly during a visit or holiday journey.7. Value whether they prefer to be members of the entrepreneurial activity that you want to start or just investors.8. Try to save money and invest the return. Try to sell periodic tales of one’s life, manufactured items or local products to investors or those interested. Promote tourism.9. Be ready to share profits with members or to give back money to investors. If they want, they may even be willing to renew the investment thus fostering economy again.10. If in doubt, please keep in mind that love has its own price, no one does anything for nothing and that charity is a debt for eternity.
2. Isn’t this too peremptory a statement?

Soon we will realise that the discrimination that the poor have to suffer is the biggest crime for mankind. If the order to act was missing, now it is there. So, come on, move, act, it’s time to eliminate poverty!
3. You talk about small businessmen, rights and environment, love and freedom:

that is, a nice global soup without a serious or scientifically proven basis.Presently we have 5 scientific data that can be proven by any investigation.1. Where human rights (democracy, good policies, environment, rejection of armed conflicts and wildcat competition) are respected things go much better for everyone.2. Because of green house effect and pollution (in the long run these may undermine economy) the production of clean energy must be increased.3. Enterprise is known to be the secret for a good economy. One of the reasons why communist systems failed was the lack of enterprise. Entrepreneurs yield the double, produce innovation and improvement.4. Employment and activities produce dignity, development, rationality, love and wealth for everyone.5. Some models or economic initiatives work but others do not. For examples, those industrialised towns of 5-10 thousand inhabitants, tourism, food production, wellness, own production of clean energy, malls with big supermarkets and small shops …work.In order to solve the problem of poverty scientifically, all the above mentioned 5 data must be considered. In our global campaign for a possible development, we try to keep in mind all these 5 data and the the 3 social principles of non violence. There are no other campaigns for the elimination of poverty as scientific as ours. The others are ideological, ethical, opportunistic or moral, but not scientific.
4. Do you have concrete data about the demands and supplies of the global market?

No precise data though, but according to the latest studies of the LAP Research Centre, in the next 7 years the market will need turbins (aeolian, water ones…), solar panels, thermal power stations (with solar panels, cultivated wood…), wells and pumps for water, aqueducts, water supply ships, environment-friendly tankers, tankers for water preservation, peat, manure, organic humus. Totally, 1450 millions of new employees, 520 millions of new entrepreneurs and 350 millions of them grow organic fruit and vegetables and cultivate timber and humus. In particular, the countries that will mostly demand these services will be India, China, Ecuador, Peru, Angola, Mozambique and Burma…but all the others as well, Burkina Faso too. Where there are entrepreneurs, employees, water, food and electricity there is also the need of houses, light bulbs, TV, supermarkets, roads, cars, schools, hospitals computers…welfare…rights…democracy…holidays…art…happiness, intergalactic journeys…eternity. A big deal for everyone.
5. Is a better Italian health service part of your program?

The Italian Health Service is statistically one of the best in the world and so a model to follow as far as infrastructures and professionalism are concerned. Yet, this does not mean that there are no professional mistakes or health service malfunctions. Thus, an overall cooperation with medical staff is necessary to improve services. The biggest health service malfunctions in Italy are determined by exaggerations related with food, vices like alcohol and smoking, lack of adequate information about the risk of certain diseases, wrong behaviours like high speed driving or easy access to vehicles over 90 Km/h. It is important to highlight the lack of fast and free health services, such as dentist treatments, specialist analysis and check-ups and preventive wellness (for instance, schools organising trips to the seaside or the mountains, sport courses, relax and psychophysical activities or specific services for the elderly, mentally ill people or disabled persons. These problems are mainly due to the lack of public financing and, as usual, the poor end up by being strongly discriminated. The lack of financing is due to the fact that 15% of all the taxes paid is used to pay the interests on the public debt and not to improve services or help other countries. Every Italian has 30.000€ of public debt, but this never decreases, since 15% of all the taxes is employed to pay the interests on this debt and not to reduce it.Thanks to the incredible will of most of its medical staff and to the continuous social strife for the improvement of infrastructures, Italy enjoys a good health level. Yet, this is undermined by governments, either left-wing or right-wing ones, that prefer to pay the interests on the debt rather than improve the National Health Service. The fight for the improvement of the health service is for us a fight against poverty, a fight that, in Italy, must go towards a better use of public and private resources according to primary needs such as free health service for everyone, for the poor as well, everywhere, not only in Italy.
6. How would you calculate the financial regulation rate?

(CE divided by NE) multiple (N divided by P) multiple (E divided by P) multiple (W divided by P) = XBeing:CE: overall world quantity of clean energyNE: world need of energy to be calculated according to the average European per capita consumptionN: total number of people enjoying human rightsP: world populationE: total number of world entrepreneursW: total number of world workersX: actual growth rate or financial regulation of global economy.
7. Do you really think you can eliminate poverty by 2010?

For us, it is not missiles, money, leaders or masses to improve the world, but rather the spreading of ideas and discoveries and the openness to new points of view.- If what we are proposing were true, then the masses would know that and would work hard to make it real. Between 1988 and 1999 we worked daily (we were not the only ones) at the mental revolution , the spreading of the global point of view, a real success. Since 1999 we have taken up a new enterprise, 2010 Poverty Elimination, a global campaign for a possible development: it aims at solving all the problems of the world through the elimination of poverty. It will be another success.
8. You often talk about powerful economic lobbies: isn’t a world of war worthwhile for them?

First of all we should explain who these powerful lobbies are: the Rockefellers, the British Royal family, the Rothschild, the Murdoch, the Microsoft, the Ikea, the Unions, the Church, the Berlusconi, the mafias, the Emirs... 250-300 lobbies totally. We do not mean that we neither want to tear their guts off nor steal their wealth. We only mean that all human beings must have their own house, their pc, their toothbrush, their rights and freedom. And someone must produce them and sell the, don’t they? Strange but true, presently it’s them those who have more troubles and their biggest problem is that these lobbies are ruled by inefficient, corrupted and backward-looking managers. If they did the accounts, they would realise that eliminating poverty is by far better than waging a war. Obviously, so far the war has been the biggest business. Mess tins, coffins, bullets, shoes, news from the front, power, reconstruction, contracts, exploitation of the defeated, claims of the humiliated…At the moment, those lobbies connected to dollars and to the new ideological task “New Rome – American World Empire” predominate. Yet they are all equally powerful, interdependent and each aims at absolute power. A war between them would only cause self-destruction and overall world devastation. The elimination of poverty and, as a consequence, the supplies for 6 billion people are the great business of the beginning of this third millennium. No war! Unless they have watched so many movies and are confusing the real thing with the virtual one, the happy ending with the end of the world. But maybe someone has already realised that.
9. Can you explain me the phenomenon of mental waves?

A mental wave is something that happens in the same place and that involves everyone. Typical examples in nature are winter hibernation, swarms and migrations of some animals. And these are 3 examples of human mental waves:- in a stadium, out of the blue, without any previous agreement, all the people say the same slogan;- when the bell rings all students leave the school;- on August 1st holidays begin and everyone leaves for the seaside.Obviously not everyone: someone at the stadium will stay silent, some students will remain in the classroom and unfortunately someone will work even in August. But generally they cannot help being part of what is going on around them and they will act consequently.
10. What are the times and strategies of 2010 Poverty elimination?

As we already said, between 1988 and 1999 we paved the way for the global point of view all over the world. We had a margin of one year but we managed to finish according to the time planning we had set.From July 1999 we have started the second stage: 2010: Poverty Elimination.Between 1999 and 2003 our task was to define the campaign and activate it in at least one point. Yet, many of those who had accompanied us during the first stage did not make it in the second stage. It was really hard. To those who are no longer here goes our best memory, to those who gave up goes our best hope. To everyone a big thanks.We wanted to call it “Skyscraper of Life” or “Decent Life Conditions for Everyone” but we chose “2010: Poverty Elimination”.Between 2003 and 2007 we will undertake to prepare a big planetary mental wave by activating 2010: Poverty Elimination in as many places as possible.Between 2007 and 2010, with a year of margin, we will eliminate poverty. But together with all people and organisations. Only then can the third stage begin.
11. How can we take part in 2010 Poverty Elimination?

In this site, click on Immediate Activation to see all the possible activities.
12. Your task is very good, I appreciate your commitment, you are surely acting in good faith, but unfortunately your theories are flickering:

we are too many on Earth and there are not enough raw materials for everyone, therefore the struggle for conquering them is inevitable.Thanks for your appreciation. We agree upon birth control but we know that there are enough raw materials for everyone. We want to try and explain it scientifically, always with examples that should be studied further. The main resource we need is energy. Sun and wind are enough. Rivers as well. The wood to burn for the thermal power stations of cold countries can be grown in tundra or on the mountain slopes. Aeolian turbins can be placed everywhere, especially on sea platforms near costs. As for hydroelectric turbins, we do not suggest big dams that destroy the environment. Rather, we advise other innovative systems, such as mill blades spinning thanks to current in the main water stream or in side channels. There can be several plants in the same water stream. Everywhere people talk about solar energy but we would like to focus on the Archimedes’s burning glass system for thermal power stations. The solar energy which is reflected by the glass and its heat concentrated in one spot only to warm water and produce steam make the turbin spin.Energy production must be accessible to everyone; therefore any kind of mini-plants must be available to supply energy that can be later repaid by purchasing the energy produced. Water is the most plentiful resource of our planet. The energy for desalination, drinkability and transport can be obtained by the above mentioned methods. And the same is for irrigation water. The energy of Aeolian or solar plants is produced only in precise times of the day or of the year and it can be also used to produce liquid hydrogen or compressed air. All this would benefit the lobbies of oil or car manufacturing, since they are very favoured by this business. If they managed to sell every inhabitant of the earth a mini plant for the production of electricity, they would make large profits. And with the purchase and distribution of energy as well. Oil production would not be interrupted, but rather diluted in time. The industrial system related to extraction, transport and distribution also used for water: the technology is the same.The buying up, control and ownership to the detriment of the others are part of a mentality that used to be positive but that today is no longer useful. Now the real business is to join all efforts and make services accessible to everyone. An eye should be cast also on recycling, energy saving, waste and useless consumption. Finally, as for some very rare raw materials, such as diamonds, one may assure them and hire them and try to gain a return, thus giving everybody the chance to enjoy their beauty.
13. Is the struggle against death penalty in China compatible with the campaign 2010 Poverty Elimination?

It is not only compatible but also complementary, one of the manifold implication of 2010 Poverty Elimination. In China, as in the USA and in other parts of the world, the death penalty affects above the poor who cannot afford a good lawyer or cannot corrupt judges or bribe witnesses. No data are available for China, but in the USA the AND testing proved that half of the sentences in the last 50 years have been carried out on poor or innocent people. The issue of jails will be analysed under Point 4 of the FPA’s Global Plan:.
14. What is your proposal for debt reduction?

Generally we think debts are not to be cancelled. Yet we maintain that the interests deriving from these debts must not be paid. Therefore, the terms of repayment should be revised and the interests already matured should be considered as part of the debt settlement. In other words, this means the elimination of usury (even a 2% usury rate) and the blocking of global monetary inflation. As a consequence, capitalism would turn into investment and investments, not capitals, would give a return: the right ones would give a yield, the wrong ones would not. The safest form of investment would be the various investment funds thanks to companies complying with international ethical norms about environment and rights.
15. You speak about “investment funds”: what do you mean?

Donations and offers are good yet not enough and above all they do not help economy grow. By investment funds we mean:1. common international investment funds of big financial institutions complying with international ethical norms about rights, environment and employment. These funds already exist but they only represent the 4% of the market of funds in spite of proving their profitability in the last 10 years.2. fund raising among friends and acquaintances to help a situation of poverty one knows personally.3. save and invest one’s own money in one of the above mentioned activities.
16. Could you give us an example of an entrepreneurial project in a needy area?

In Answer 1 there are already some hints. But let’s try to provide an example for an area in which desertification is happening. If we are wrong, please correct us. An initial investment of 20.000€ and then another investment of 4.000€/year for 5 years in extensive breeding: thus, at the end of the 5 years, this will give a return of 200.000€.1. Find a medium-sized tank to store water and tow it to a place2. purchase water and have it delivered with a tanker3. purchase some tons of organic humus and some rubber tubes and cut them in pieces of 50 cm4. reproduce and plant thousands of berry bushes of different kind and tens of big trunk tress and water them by using the tube sticking out of the earth5. purchase hundreds of goats6. breed goats7. pick up the dung, let it ripe and use it to manure the shrubs8. help the nearby villages to do the same or even betterPhoto: Internet
17. I am sorry, but technically speaking I cannot see how poverty will be eliminated in so short a term.

Mankind has a big resource, that is, armies. The intensive use of disarmed peace keeping forces will be the keystone of human history. For instance, the troops deployed in Iraq could have been used to build hospitals, train qualified personnel, and help start agricultural or entrepreneurial activities. There would have equally been a business for those lobbies who supply the armies and they would have certainly profited by exploiting oil wells. What could have been done in Iraq is what should be done in Cuba, Venezuela, Korea, Syria, Palestine, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Liberia, Mozambique, Angola…and that is, help the disarmed peace keeping forces to foster economy and eliminate poverty. If the USA do not want to do it, if the UN cannot, what about Europe?
18. And what about peoples ‘self-determination?

This concept alone is meaningless, since it should go together with cooperation, union, interaction, integration, global point of view, non violence and above all poverty elimination. What can one of the 14 thousands of poor people who die every hour for a mosquito bite self-determine of their life?
19. Ok, but these tasks cannot be fulfilled without an armed intervention to eliminate the evil.

First, you have to eliminate intolerant people and then it will be easier to eliminate poverty.First of all we advise to take a more tolerant stand. Someone may argue that you are intolerant and so among the first to be eliminated. Secondly, yours is a false statement. What is this evil, who are the villain? Do you think there are more freedom and democracy in Italy than in Cuba, China or Palestine? What is freedom? For 15 years by now we have been socially committed but so far neither newspapers nor TVs have given us a space, we do not have a room to gather, a funding to help needy people. We were asked thousands of Euros to appear on TV and talk about the global point of view. We were asked to buy many shares of the publishing house to have an article in a newspaper. If we stuck leaflets on the walls with paper tape, we were fined thousands of euros.15 years ago we started with non violent public demonstrations to expose the need of love, the forest devastation and the genocide of indigenous populations; yet, after a while we had to stop because the media ignored them but the police clubs did not. Are these the freedom and democracy people talk about? There is much more press freedom in Mozambique than in Italy under the dictatorship of Berlusconi, Confindustria (Italy’s Industrial Federation), the Church and the Unions. In the USA, Australia, Sweden, Germany or England is the same.In the USA prisoners are the 1% of the population, while in Italy the 0,1 %. Is this “made in the USA” freedom that you want? Only now, thanks to the Internet, one can speak about freedom of thought. But it is just the beginning. The truth is that if you went to Palestine, to Gaza to build a water desalination plant, nobody would harm you. If you went to Cuba to build tourist resorts, to Korea to grow organic vegetables, to India to embank rivers, to Mozambique to teach agriculture or to the Andes to build water pumping systems nobody would point a gun to your temple, no one would place a trap for your bullocks or a stick somewhere else, as you are doing to billions of desperate people who do not have anymore tears to hope for someone’s help.Do you want them all outside your office to eat you alive? Do you want them in your house at night to do whatever they want? Do you want to find out your daughter has AIDS after letting herself being raped just to buy a phone card to call a friend of hers and tell her “It would be much better if my daddy were nicer and if we all loved each other”? All the police forces of the world would not be enough to stop their revenge because, with technological progress, only one of them who managed to survive will be enough. The poor must be helped since they too understand the meaning of freedom and democracy. But freedom and democracy as we know them, not those values you think of. Please, keep up with the times and have a look at the Global Point of View : the mental revolution
20. For many years by now we have been committed to eliminate poverty and we have also managed to do something good,

but our products are not competitive, they have no market and the development of fair trade does not begin to move. What is your suggestion?Well done. What you are doing, even with its contradictions, is excellent. Yet this war must not be waged against multinationals or the funding of rich countries for agriculture. It should be addressed to help multinational and the agriculture of poor countries. Let’s try to explain it better. We must fight to assure an income to everyone and to sell the product anyway everywhere in the world, even if it is tough. Multinationals must guarantee the sale of fair trade products at the same price of the other products of the same category by sharing costs between the other items. This would not reduce their profit and, if done properly, it would influence costs slightly. As we already said, these poor multinationals must not be fought but helped since they are ruled by incapable managers. With our method, the population with an income would grow thus increasing the number of clients; otherwise, as it is the case, the people with an income are decreasing and the number of clients as well. And the same should be done with farmers in rich countries. They must not be hindered nor fought; since it is them who can help the agriculture in poor countries grow. They are the alternative to the monopolized system of multinationals and to communism. We should leave them subsidies. Agriculture in wealthy countries works thanks to subsidies for farmers. Agriculture in needy lands does not work because farmers are not given any subsidy. Therefore, twinning and agreements with different associations of farmers and land owners are welcome and similar organisations should be created in poor countries and help them invest in the local production. The resolutions of 2010 Poverty Elimination must be set into motion.
21. You say that more than 900 million poor people died because of the discrimination due to poverty: how did you calculate these figures?

As a date to start the calculation we chose the birth of unilateralism and the global power of the dollar, that is, the fall of the Berlin wall. It was a giant leap for mankind. But from that day on all is valued and quantified according to money thus causing a de facto war between financial lobbies and the exploitation of the poor. The average life expectancy in a country like Italy with approx. less than 10%of critical poverty groups is 80 years. You have to add all those people who have died younger than 80 years since the fall of the Berlin wall and subtract those who have died older than 80 years. In May 1999 the total was about 920 millions: it was at the end of our first stage. Since then, we have not updated the figures anymore and that is wrong, but the fact is that we have to step forward again and eliminate poverty.
22. Can you explain me how to start the campaign “My town in the world”?

At this page of our website: Internet Campaigns ,you will find all the campaigns for 2010 Poverty Elimination promoted by Free People Association.
23. How can you say that life will be eternal? Is it a religious trick?

No, it is an objective within the grasp of scientific progress. With the development of medicine, life expectancy has increased a lot. And in the next decades life will get even longer. As a consequence, also love will become eternal. One will all the time to find it and the eternity to enjoy it.
24. Which is the biggest trick ever?

The fact that the poor and the discriminated were made to believe they were the very cause of their problems. When they are mean is because they are mean; when they are not is because they are not. When they are good is because they are good; when they are not is because they are not. It is always their fault and everything becomes a shame. The colour of the skin, the handicap, habits, their own social and life conditions. This is the biggest trick ever and, at the same time, the biggest obstacle to any possible change. The fault and the guilty-hunt. When one realises that they are not guilty of anything, they immediately go and look for the guilty ones. It may appear too easy, but it is revolutionary: there are not guilty people, we are all innocent. If there is something wrong one must analyse the causes and change them, as problems cannot be sorted out by persecuting the guilty. Rather, they can be solved by changing or wiping out what caused them. Let’s look for the causes and not the guilty. Let’s wear condoms and search for penicillin and vaccines, not Satan, Beelzebub or infected people. Let’s eliminate poverty which is the worst cause and everyone agrees upon. Thus, eliminating poverty may solve most of the present problems, also thanks to the help of scientific progress and technology. Let’s eliminate poverty, please and then let’s go and have some fun!
25. Can you explain me how to get economy back into motion?

All the economic activities that work well and give a profit must be spread and fostered on a global scale. Tourism, wellness, organic farming, own production of clean energy, the economic systems of small enterprises, mutual help between small towns, telecommunications, aqueducts, malls with big supermarkets and, in the same building, hundreds of small shops…In particular, those who want to start these activities must be granted consultancy, advertisement and the purchase of the product. Moreover, the payment of the means of production must be made by instalments according to the percentage of the income gained and it should guarantee a decent survival and the respect of the international legislation about environment, rights and employment. The youth must be helped. The resolutions of 2010 Poverty elimination and Internet Campaigns should be implemented.Photo: Internet
26. Activists are very disappointed and frustrated because of failures and betrayals: what is your suggestion?

You do not have to give credit to the media, sensations or life poisoners: there are things that can be done and are useful and there are others that are not, but this happens in real life, not only for poverty. If you are able to do something and you like to do it since it is also useful, why shouldn’t you do it? If it is useless, why do it? Let’s do useful things, that is my suggestion. Things that are useless, pointless, dangerous wear you down, undermine your will, make you impotent. On the contrary, things that are useful and nice give you strength, satisfaction, a meaning and they do not weaken you, so, why not do them? We want to fight for right, possible and beautiful things, since they are favourable for all. Let’s not go hunting enemies, let’s eliminate poverty, please.
27. Utopias, aided economy does not work…

We talk about re-launching the economy through a secured funding of those activities that have proved to work well on the market since people carry them out gladly as they are successful and profitable. Aided economy funds activities without security. Unfortunately such activities as wars, cars, controlled information, mafia’s contracts, do not work well. That is the contrary of what we are proposing. The utopia is to think that things can get better without 2010 Poverty Elimination.
28. My fear was born where poverty and hunger have always been there.

How will you cope with those areas where generations of people have grown up in malnutrition and, as a consequence, their brain has not developed properly? How can you manage to save those people from the rooted ignorance that makes them so vulnerable to the exploitation by members of their same community?In those areas, we need a massive intervention of disarmed armies and the international peace keeping forces that stay with the people until the younger generation or whoever is able to learn can survive decently and work hard to eliminate poverty. We also need an Internet campaign “My town in the world” where a small wealthy town adopts a poorer one. Or the usual big organisations that help people in exchange for money.
29. If what you say is so easy, why isn’t it carried out? What’s the problem?

It is a problem caused by psychic sexual drives. The control of one’s own reproductive inner sensation is confused with the feeling of being able to solve the problems of the world. Personal and social energy and strength are used to gain feelings of cleverness and control instead of sorting problems out. The paradox is very clear, problems are getting bigger and solutions are becoming so easier that the different rulers could not but doing the right thing, even though they suffered from Alzheimer. Therefore, although the world has never been governed by such incapable rulers in all the history of mankind, solutions have never been so easy and accessible to everyone.
30. And how do you solve this problem of mental confusion due to sexual drives?

Everyone can solve it their way. We suggest non violence, respect, love, care and attention. As for the mental confusion of those who rule, some things should be explained, for instance, the problem of poverty is one issue and the colour of ladies’ underwear is another one. Drought is one thing, but one’s own water retention is another thing. Science is one issue but feelings and appearances are often deceptive: the feeling of being clever and control things is different from solving problems. Let’s hope they understand that quickly.
31. I have been following you for so many years by now and I am really taken aback by your success, even in the worst failures. What’s your secret?

The 3 Social Principles of Non-Violence and especially Schietti’s law. Actually, our aim is to carry out what everyone agrees upon and is favourable for all.
32. Let’s hope this big task…

Our task is feasible and favourable for us all thanks to the technological progress. So, let’s get on with it and let’s eliminate poverty.
33. How would you defeat terrorism?

Terrorism derives from the non application of the 3 Social Principles of Non Violence. For many years, the multinationals of arms and energy have applied the “divide et impera” policy, by financing and helping all that was against someone and wanted to solve problems with the use of violence. The moderate people must be financed. In particular, the issue of the Arab Union must not be left in the hand of fundamentalism. The Arab Union and the Arab currency must be encouraged and the Arabs selves will undertake to solve their own problems.
34. I would like to know what you think about the idea to introduce customs duties towards countries like China. Would such choices damage the poor?

Thanks for asking; if you have other questions, please send them to Since our aim is not to teach but rather to eliminate poverty, if you think that some of our answers can be improved, please, tell us. As far as the issue of customs duties is concerned, we can say that Chinese products, and generally products form poor countries, do not comply with international etichal norms about rights, environment and employment, therefore they are cheaper and at a disadvantage. But being cheaper is not an advantage: the wealthy countries pay them “double” because of the consequences that this situation creates on a global scale, both environmentally and socially. We have to focus our attention on the international ethical norms. Only ethical products must be imported and all those companies that do not comply with this legislation must be helped thanks to the usual system of expiry dates and transformation times. By doing so, their products will have the same features of those from wealthy countries, without any distinction. Another possibility is to tax all the products that do not comply with this legislation so as their price can go along with that of rich countries and the money gained may be used to help the companies that want to be registered. Regarding this issue, we have started two main campaigns: ETHICAL FINANCE FOR ALL and ETHICAL CONSUMPTION FOR ALL which can be found at Internet Campaigns . Thanks a lot.
35. What do you think about the Paris Club?

The Paris Club is one of the main clubs of capitalism. It is an organisation of creditor countries, that is, they lend money to other countries. To join the Club you have to have more credits than debts. Our proposal for the Paris Club and those alike is to turn into investors. The clubs of capitalism lend money but they do not care about its use. They lend money only to those who want to, with false guarantees and they ask for a yearly usury percentage on that money. We suggest that they use their money for investments, not for loans or they become associates of the activities they invest in. If those activities are good, their capital is revaluated and profits are shared out again. If the investment is not profitable, they will lose their money, thus feeling compelled to care about the investment. If this happens in the next few years, the world will change and even these clubs would benefit.
36. What obstacles are you facing?

Fast and wrong judgment Sometimes words take on different meanings according to those who read them thus causing misunderstandings. But many judge us negatively, accuse us and fight against us instead of helping us and without asking us “why”. Their attitude is wrong and is surely due to some ideological systems that encourage preventive war: pull the trigger whenever it moves; if not with us, against us! We repeat that we are against no one, we would like to help everyone and we do not have any problem to correct our mistakes as long as these faults are showed and proved. Repeating the same mistakes is bad, but making them is not. We are humans.
37. What is your opinion about the business of solidarity?

Are the organisations on a precise area the best from the humanitarian point of view? Are they the best in cornering donations and allocations? Do they cooperate? Is solidarity an aim or a means? How much do they invest in helping the needy, in advertisement and in the care of their organisations? We no longer believe in it. Some organisations are already doing it. We want to see the balance sheet and we want some independent advisors to check them because if the money allocated is so much but the number poor is steadily increasing, this money has not been spent properly. We want to know everything about the destination of this money: churches, buildings, ceremonies, landmarks are always nicer and more magnificent, yet the poor are always poorer.
38. Would you be ready to fight for your ideas?

No, it would be absurd. One fights for wrong ideas, the ones that prove to be useful after a period of distrust get voluntarily improved and employed. One does not need to fight to make a good risotto be eaten. There is no need to advertise a good product and if you give it as a present, people will surely queue to have it.
39. What do you think about NO EXCUSE 2015 and the UN global campaigns to eliminate extreme poverty by 2015?

Their original project was to halve poverty by 2015, then 2010: Poverty Elimination appeared and in October 2003 they quickly decided to revise all plans and launch NO EXCUSE 2015. Yet, what they are currently saying is all craps (for example, 10 millions of children die every day, which is 3 billions and 650 millions every year). It’s not that scientific. It seems as if they only wanted to obtain funding and justify armed interventions to create fake USA-type democracies. They still have to learn what scientific, useful and feasible mean, a reality totally different from what they dream of in their offices. They believe that:- diseases can be cured thanks to images of Saints and not in hospital by following medical-scientific instructions;- Moses crossed the Red Sea flying and not on foot passing thru Suez;- Che Guevara was non violent- AIDS can be cured castrating all those who get h orny and not distributing condoms;- Woman emancipation can be achieved by “making virtual synergies possible” and not by giving employment rights also to the professionals of the oldest job in the world;- Poverty can be eliminated by begging for charity or being charitable and not by supplying fishing rods and teaching how to use them;- The trade towards rich countries must be increased instead of towards or between poorer states;- Subsidies should be taken away from those who have them instead of giving them to those who lack them;- Peace can be achieved by defeating the enemy and not by signing a peace agreement;- The biggest fiscal revenue can be obtained by increasing taxation instead of the economy;- The economy of wealthy countries must decelerate instead of accelerating that of poor countries;- The man did not land on the moon because it was Americans who went there;- They are good people, but the others are not;- They are right even when they are mistaken;- Their leaders are never wrong and yet they always have to apologise;- They are non violent and then they get shocked by a kiss and call upon a divine punishment;- Peoples come to life because of a decree and not because it is favourable.Without offering the right return to the world economic lobbies, without the resolutions of 2010 Poverty Elimination, they will never succeed: without Schietti's Law it will be war and misery all around. It’s only 2003 and we managed to shake the dinosaur of the glass building. By 2010 we will eliminate poverty, we will make it, come on guys, give it some welly and go for Internet Campaigns !
2003 - Domenico Schietti - FPA

poverty, reduction, elimination, future prediction, predictions, action, actions, ideas, proposals, campaign campaigns, development, idea, nonviolence, future, life, love, intelligent, people, free
This is a non-profit site. Do you have articles to contribute? Do you want to remove a copyrighted image or an offensive text? Do you have any suggestions? Would you like to work with us?
Free People Association

WE ARE friends and relatives who believe in the same values, develop the same activities and keep in touch.WE BELIEVE IN love, communication, friendship, non violence, solidarity, sincerity, prosperity, science, joy, freedom…OUR SHORT TERM OBJECTIVE (2007) is to activate all over the world 2010: Poverty Elimination: the Global Campaign for a Possible Development.OUR MIDDLE TERM OBJECTIVE (2011) is to eliminate poverty.OUR LONG TERM OBJECTIVE (2021-2023) is to “live happily ever after”.WE ARE ORGANISED without hierarchies, independent from any other organisation, without registered members, without association fees, without salaried workers, without meetings, without fund raising campaigns.TO JOIN US you only need to start a correspondence and then all comes naturally.Photo: Afp

The web site is always in progress thanks to everyone’s suggestions. We pay attention to anyone, we answer all questions and analyse all advice. Free People Association is not involved in violence in any way, aims at helping everyone and is not focused on achieving power or political representation. All initiatives carried out in the name of the Free People Association are personal. All Internet Campaigns , subjects and in-depth analysis of Free People Association can be quoted without our knowledge and without indicating the source. For any question, information, suggestion, please contact the person who recommended you the web site or send an e-mail to

1. Sorry, but I did not understand. Who are you, what do you want?

We are naïf people, maybe stupid naïf, and we are dreamers perhaps. We are not against anyone. We have been trying to help everyone, not for gain, for 15 years by now. We support globalisation, non violence, science, the elimination of poverty. If there is evidence that we are wrong, we are ready to correct us.
2. Can you explain me better how to join your association?

There is not a real membership, nor an association fee or a registered members list. We do not receive funding, each of us pays personally the expenses of his activities, and nobody gets paid. It is all very free. We are free members of a free organisation. We may even say we are a “non organisation”. Generally we stay in touch through e-mails also because many of us are in far away places. The only activity we carry on is 2010: Poverty Elimination. But we do not meet or raise fund for any of our activities. We usually get to know one another by sending e-mails. And if there is the will to go on, then we will get to know one another better and we will become friends. If this is not so, never mind!: ideas are like jokes, they spread in any case and there are many other ways to be useful to everyone.
3. So, in brief, you are altruist, aren’t you?

Perhaps. Surely, in our freedom, we try to choose daily the global point of view: love and not hate, friendship and not resentment, science and not superstition, non violence and non wild competition. Even with our possible mistakes and contradictions, we want to be a good example, a good behavioural model. We want to be a point of reference for all those who love mankind. We want to protect and help grow any tiny hope. Within our possibilities, we aim at everyone’s happiness and joy. For further information, answers and suggestions we are at your disposal.
4. What is a man according to you? Who are the human beings? Can you provide a definition?

The Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights reads: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood”. As a consequence, we infer that mankind is endowed with reason and conscience, is born free and is equal in dignity and rights and should therefore act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood (and love).
5. I want to do something: what are your suggestions?

You have our total support and we are sure that you will find the best way to develop and spread what you aim to do. Immediate Activation gives you suggestions for possible activities. We suggest that you are open to any new point of view and that you are so humble as to change yours thanks to other people’s help. We want to help everyone and we think it is necessary to pay attention to violent people as well. Without going against them, we prefer showing them scientifically (and with patience) that what we propose is better for them too. Nobody is so innocent not to be blamed and nobody is so mean not to deserve a little bit of love. The world has not begun today, does not end tomorrow, nobody is born perfect, practice makes perfect, need sharpen one’s wits, questions are more important than answers and everyone has their own personality. In every situation there is always the time to reflect and do the right thing. In the middle of a crisis, always keep in mind that the sun always shines and when there is draught, water can be carried with aqueducts. Thanks to this web site and to each of us you will always have helpfulness, support and comfort. Good luck!
2003 - Domenico Schietti - FPA

poverty, reduction, elimination, future prediction, predictions, action, actions, ideas, proposals, campaign campaigns, development, idea, nonviolence, future, life, love, intelligent, people, free
This is a non-profit site. Do you have articles to contribute? Do you want to remove a copyrighted image or an offensive text? Do you have any suggestions? Would you like to work with us?
Free People Association

Action plan:1. You can deliver this message or a similar one to the director of your bank, either secretly or through an employee, e-mail or the P.O. Box:---2010: POVERTY ELIMINATIONETHICAL FINANCE FOR ALLDear Director,You know ethical finance very well(especially mutual funds, even of main banks’, in companies complying with the international ethical norms about job, environment and human rights). It works. In the last 10 years it has been the most profitable but internationally it only involves 4% of the invested capital and, therefore, must be promoted. We invite you to advise your clients to purchase these mutual funds in order to protect the interests of investors, workers and above all the children to whom we will leave this world.Domenico SchiettiFree People AssociationThe overall prosperity glorifies everybody’s past---2. Invest your money only in funds or companies complying with international ethical norms.Photo: Internet

Action Plan: 1. You can deliver this message or a similar one to the managers of your favourite shops, either secretly or through an employee, an e-mail or the P.O. Box --- 2010: POVERTY ELIMINATION ETHICAL CONSUMPTION FOR ALL Dear Director,You know well what ethical consumption is. We invite you to look for information about which products in your shop comply with the international ethical norms about job, environment and human rights and to signal them so as your clients can purchase them in order to protect your company's interests and those of investors, workers and above all children to whom we will leave this world. Domenico Schietti Free People AssociationThe dirty hands of the others do not wash one’s own’s ---2. Purchase only products complying with international ethical norms.

Action plan: You can deliver this message or a similar one to your mayor, either secretly or through a policeman, a councilor, under the door, by an e-mail or the P.O. Box: --- 2010: POVERTY ELIMINATION MY TOWN IN THE WORLD My dear MayorWe have a great idea for your town. Why do not you adopt a similar town in Africa, Latin America or Asia? Just take one or two community service guys, some volunteers, an empty room of your town hall, 0,1% of the budget and no one else. Directly mayor to mayor. Town to town. No other organisation. Sometimes it takes very little to improve the economy of a poor little town and save many lives. Some medicines, some ropes, some bikes. No one else. Adoption- twinning. Mayor-mayor. Town-town . No one else. Domenico Schietti Free People Association It’s good ideas that change the world---

Action plan:You can deliver this message or a similar one to the headmaster of your school, either secretly or through a teacher, under the door, e-mail or the P.O. Box:---2010: POVERTY ELIMINATIONMY SCHOOL OF THE HEARTDear Mr. Headmaster,We have a great idea for this school. Why don’t you undertake to build a similar one in Africa, Latin America or Asia? Just take an empty room of your school, 0,1% of the budget and no one else. No other organisation, just your teachers, your students, their parents, their relatives who will promote a wonderful project that will unite them in a useful and charitable task. There are more than 4 billions of illiterate people in the world and they only need a pen, an exercise book, some chairs, a table and to know that someone loves them and is trying to help them. And then it will all happen naturally. Your school builds a heart one. Come on guys, we are going to make it!Domenico SchiettiFree People AssociationMay death find us alive and may life not find us dead.Photo: Commowealth Press Union.

Action plan: You can deliver this message or a similar one to the head of your hospital, either secretly, through a nurse, under the door, e-mail or the P.O. Box--- 2010: POVERTY ELIMINATION THE DUPLICATION OF MY HOSPITAL Dear Mr. President,We have a great idea for your hospital. Why don’t you undertake to build a similar one in Africa, Latin America or Asia? Just take an empty room of your hospital, 0,1% of the budget and no one else. No other organisation, just your employees, your patients, their relatives who will promote a wonderful project that will unite them in a useful, glorious and charitable task. It just takes some medicines, bandages, long distance consulting and to know that someone loves you and is trying to help you. And then it will all happen naturally. Your hospital builds a new one: the duplication! Domenico Schietti Free People AssociationLove is a wonderful thing---

Action plan:This campaign is very simple:1. prefers the production and use of clean energy,2. wants small businessmen to be given hydro-turbins, Aeolian turbins, solar panel and other means to produce clean energy on their own and pay it by installments with no interests thanks to the purchasing of the energy produced,3. prefers low energy domestic appliances, equipment, lighting systems, means of transport and machines.4. to earn a yield than more sufficient for a honest life becoming small businessmen of clean energy.Free People AssociationThe world does not belong to us but to those to whom we will leave it

Action plan:Send or give this card to everybody you know: click on AIDS LESS

Action plan:You can deliver this message or a similar one to soldiers that you know, either secretly or under the door, e-mail, P.O.Boxes or to the caretaker’s lodge:---2010: POVERTY ELIMINATIONTHE ARMY OF LOVEMy dear friend, I am writing you this letter because I have 7 important things to tell you and also because I love you and would like to hug you. You know that:1. Armies are mankind’s greatest resource.2. The turning point in human history will take place once when armies are no longer used for war purposes, peace-keeping, crime fighting, and defending seats of power and start being used to support people in need, build great works, and face emergencies of all kind.3.Army supplies have been the greatest source of profit since the time of Tutankhamen and Nabuchadnezzar.. Try and think about this: mess-tins, little berets, collar badges, different shoes for each season, daggers, long bayonets, short bayonets, medium bayonets, knives, small knifes, big knives, rucksacks, backpacks , MRE, green t-shirts...4.The use of armies for humanitarian purposes would guarantee employment to professional soldiers and to workers of the war industries, and the continuity business among those industries that have secured it for themselves.5. Instead of missiles, hospital equipment, tractors and means of production, could be built to be given away or sold in interest-free installments prorated as per product profit to people in need, and which armies could teach them how to use re-launching the economy of poor countries and of the whole world.6.Wouldn’t it be great if we truly stopped fighting in this world and war could be turned into an Olympic sport complete with medals. .7. This way, all peoples would be happy and so would children and even more so women, young and old people. Everybody would be happy, love would prevail and life would be just great.I love you and let me hug you: thanks to exist!Domenico SchiettiFree People AssociationIf you can think about it now, just do it

There are plenty of ways to start immediately and be useful:1. You can launch an Internet Campaigns 2. You can translate this web site in other languages3. You can add the web site 2010: Poverty Elimination to your favorites.4. You can open a personal web site with the same content.5. You can talk about it with your friends, colleagues or relatives.6. You can help people to contact organisations and institutions with economic means in order to act.7. You can promote an investment trust for a situation of poverty that you know personally.8. You can invest your money in a reliable Bank in an international investment trust and in companies that respect the international ethical standars about right, environment and employment.9. You can choose to buy only products in accordance with international ethical standards.10. You can operate within your own organisations.11. You can promote your company with initiatives useful to everyone12. You can choose a job which is not harmful to anyone.13. You can introduce a discovery, an invention, scientific theories; you can write a book, shoot a movie, reportage, a TV program..14. You can hand out or stick up leaflets in premises where it is allowed to.15. You can take part in forums, meetings; you can write letters to companies, media and journalists to sensitise the public opinion16. You can have a secret task you talk about with no one17. You can pay taxes.18. You can carry out a voluntary service with organisations you trust.19. You can give the good example20. You can help the others in the limits of your possibilities.21. You can try to make friends with people you normally do not get along with.22. Other.
2003 - Domenico Schietti - FPA